Sunday, 6 December 2009


The beautiful hues
Of the rainbow show that God
Loves variety.


  1. How true! But what about laughter? Why is it we feel so good and yet laughing and humour seems inappropriate to the Holiness of the presence of God? JT made reference to divine irony. I don't mean Sarah's laughter - for that was scorn. Or where we laugh at the misfortune of others. Interested in your thoughts. (It's always been a taboo question for me, but I feel myself asking it now, prompted by your verse).

  2. Very true, very true

    a reason why there is a unique me and you
    all originals, a replica just won't do... :-)

    How are you doing and getting ready for the holidays? Hope you were not hit by all the rain, rain and more rain we've been having. But then again a reminder that everything does happen in its due season.

    Thank you so much for supporting the thanksgiving praises... I pray God is continously glorified.

    Much Love x

  3. Craig,
    I think that a sense of humour is among our blessings, and we certainly need to be prepared to laugh at ourselves! Samson's "a heap ..." includes a pun that gets lost in translation (but he wasn't always very spiritual!). But there are things that are acceptable that are not for the divine presence.
    I think I was stuck in London's rain as you were making this post. However we have to accept - "this is the day that the Lord hath made ..." even in the rain!

  4. i have always loved the rainbow.
    when we lived in my beloved manitoba, the land was so flat that you could see the whole rainbow and so i used to wonder what end of the rainbow was the treasure because there were two ends.
    here in southern ontario, the rainbow usually gets caught in between two trees and there is not end at all!...ha!
    i love the rainbow because it reminds me of all of the lord's promises to us.
    just as it is impossible to break the rainbow, it is impossible that god will ever break any of his promises to us.
    i guess therefore, THAT is the treasure that is found at the end of the rainbow, in fact at BOTH ends of the rainbow...the precious promises of god!.....from terry

  5. Interested in your thoughts. (It's always been a taboo question for me, but I feel myself asking it now, prompted by your verse).

    Work from home India


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