Wednesday 10 July 2024


Hear the vast repentant throng

Singing as they march along

Their triumphant happy song, 

"Glory to the Righteous!"

Hear them coming from the east,

Saints, whose souls have been released

To enjoy Jehovah's feast,

"Glory to the Righteous!"

Hear them coming from the west,

Saints of God who have been blest

To enjoy Jehovah's rest,

"Glory to the Righteous!"

Hear them come from the world's end,

And praises that ascend

To their Master and their Friend,

"Glory to the Righteous!"

Home in winter

Wednesday 3 July 2024


Where did He spend the hours of that last night?

The Mount of Olives where He had valued life

And with His Father had joy that was divine;

Gethsemane: there His will must collide

With Satan's will to swerve Him from the right.

Yet if there lay before Him hours of strife

And grief more fierce that any can indite

His soul recoiled but Christ would not resile.

The enemy might try each thwart device:

He could not touch the dignity of Christ.

Before fire touched the offering in the types

The water proved the sacrifice refined.

Bertie, our neighbour, in the winter

Sunday 23 June 2024


On this ascent David
Wept; but on this summit
David worshipped; and here
His friend Hushai met him.

All others going home
Jesus was here: alone,
But not alone, enjoying
The company of His Father.

The coigne afforded the Christ
A view of Jerusalem; a point
To which could come for prophecy
Four of His disciples.

In this vicinity Jesus found
The ass and colt; here
He was acclaimed; from here
He descended, and wept.

Having sung a hymn He led
To the place of anguished breath;
To the place of agony foreseen
Where the Father's will enthralled.

Next see a triumphing troop,
Disciples, returning from the Mount
Of Olive where they have observed
The ascension of their risen Lord.

And Messiah's feet will stand
On the Mount of Olives when He
Goes out to fight; this Mount shall
Be His people's way of escape.

More in Dalkeith Country Park 
Jane works at an outdoor nursery here.

Sunday 16 June 2024


 One has been found                            We have found

Slain, in the land; who                        A heifer never

Is the slayer?                                       Subject to man’s will.


Measure with the reed;                       Bring it to the watercourse

Is that the nearest city,                        Which has its spring

Jerusalem?                                           Beyond the will of man.


Measure more closely                          Take the heifer

The line stretches to                            To the flowing watercourse

Heart and conscience.                         Break its neck there.


                                    The blood of Jesus

                                    Is the only atonement

                                    For the sin that shed it.

Dalkeith Country Park in Autumn

Friday 24 May 2024

Mortem non gustabunt


The ardent love which Laeda’s offspring showed,
The twins she bore through Jupiter’s deceit,
Fails when compared with love with which Christ glowed:
He’s God and Man, whose purity’s complete.
If the beloved Pollux shared with Castor,
His brother, life, the gain was qualified,
If one lived for the other death was master:
If one arose, one perished with the tide.

But life which is beyond death’s might and main
Christ gains, and also gives to the elect.
The living praise: His death won’t be in vain:
Don’t be lost, through His victory’s effect.

For deep in hell there is a place secreted
For everything by which you were defeated.

Another Elizabeth Weston; comment on translation would be appreciated!

Mortem non gustabunt

Non fratres inter tantus fuit ardor amantes,

Quos decepta tulit Laeda furore Jovis:         which deceived took Laeda with fury Jove

Quanto hominum mitis flagrabat amore Redemptor,

Qui Deus, & puro corpore purus homo est.

Mutate enim Pollux charo cum Castore vitam

Fratre suam; certa conditione tamen.

Alter ut alterius moriatur orogine vitae:

Dumque hic surgite quis, ille feratur aquis.

At vitam, alterius Christus sine morte perennem

Obtinet, Electis & dat habere suis.

Vivus ovat; non te mors illius ergo fefellit:

Ne pereas, sed eas per supera, ille perit.                 

Omnia qui te eum victurus secula, solus                 

Expertem stygiae te facit esse plagae.

Thursday 16 May 2024


In you, O Christ my Hope, my hopes depend;

Amid confusing wickedness, defend;

I do not trust in images or art,

For nothing can be certain on man’s part.

My Hope, Thou art mine own, through rock and fire:

I’ll cross the seas, if that’s what you require;

Your arms will even overcome the sea,

Wherever your command to me may be.

Elizabeth Jane Weston (c.1581-1612)

This is my version of the following.  Any clarification of the Latin would be appreciated.

In Symbolam Westoniae Auctoris

Spes mea Christus

In te, Christe, mihi spes derivata recumbit; 

Sed ne confundant me mala tot, fer opem: 

Non ego imaginibus confido, ne arte; salutis, 

Quam spero, certae nil mihi praestat homo. 

Tu spes, tu mea res, Meus es, per saxa per ignes:

Si vis esse, sequar per freta: se esse jubes 

Per freta; freta tuo munimine vinco: petitis 

Certa, vel hic, summi vel patris aede tui.

Saturday 4 May 2024



2 Kings 11: 2

True faithfulness preserved the royal line,

Noble behaviour risked to save a child,

Just actions proved the impulse was divine,

Pure priestliness found Judah reconciled,

Amiable care sustained through watching days:

This good report tells of a soul that's fine:

Virtue in her conduces to God's praise.

Sunday 21 April 2024


(Micah 7: 7)

Amid this world of trouble I will wait for

The God of my salvation; He will hear me

Although the turbulence may not abate for

A moment in His goodness He will cheer me.

I rest upon His promise and His favour

Since He has told me that He will be near me:

He is my Rock, although I flinch and waver.

More near Dover: that's us!

Wednesday 17 April 2024


Tottering forth she would have found

New lands to conquer every day;

And reaping in her fields of play

Have set her feet on firmer ground.

She would have brought her faculties

Within her ego's vassalage;

Like tropes deployed upon a page

She would have been her personal traits.

But, like us, going her own way

She would have trudged the wilderness

Till met by One intent to bless

Who bent her heart and knees to pray.

And as a shepherdess her skill

Might have secured her little fold:

Her fable was more briefly told,

Since this desire was not God's will.

See for the rest of this.

On a walk from Dover

Sunday 14 April 2024

From "To Gislebertus"

Did I ever go over with you my notion

Of the ideal village, such as will inhabit

The world to come?  These are the archetypes

Which would dwell there: firstly, the priest,

For I understand that priests on earth

Will officiate again.  Then the head man,

To a Scot, the Laird.  Under the shepherding

Of these two will be the ploughman or peasant,

Garnering abundance; the shepherd or fisher,

Folding abundance; and the soldier or sailor,

Wars now over, pensioner of the abundance.

There will be the pilgrim, the village’s journeyer

To Jerusalem – for the nations will flow to it.

Finally the poet, or psalmist, or bard.  

From this developed the custom of testing

Persons against the archetypes.  King David

Or King Charles, James Graham

Or Jacob – Rosalie, and Marina and me:

We have all been measured against this standard.   

And since perfection in manhood is Christ

These have been measured rather against

Him. If He is priest we have to expand the title

To Great Priest, for the quality of His priestliness,

To High Priest, for the dignity of His priesthood,

And for the scope of His service – Minister

Of the holy places.  To whom else could belong

The title, Prince of the princes of the Levites!   

And He is Lord of all; certainly because

Of who His is in those other dimensions

He is at home in, but because, too,

Of His worth, of His walk and of

His achievements.   He has displayed Himself as Sower – but all

Of the landsman’s crafts have correspondence

In the Lord’s activities; but He has exceeded

By graciously broadcasting seed irrespective

Of the quality of the ground.                                

As shepherd The Good Shepherd has expended His vigour

For us, and deliberately offered Himself;

As the Great Shepherd has forged through death

A path for us; and as Chief Shepherd engaged

Shepherds for our good.                          

                                    But who is conqueror

Like Christ?  That constrictor death, and that

Venomous serpent Satan both dungen:

Surrexit Dominus de sepulchro!   

Someone questioned my referring to Christ

As a pilgrim.  To me a pilgrim is a person

With an objective – and who fulfils the description

As fully as Christ?  For He came from the heart

Of God to the cross and pioneered for us the path

From the cross to the heart of God. 

                                                    But what

Of psalmist?  Each production of the range

Of poet and hymn-writer from Pentecost -

And the ancient psalmists and prophets – were makars

At the hand of the great Maker.

"To Gislebertus" was a bit of a blog before blogs had begun.  Not all of the snippets from it are so positive!

Friday 5 April 2024


 Around the Museum of the Home, London


Homelessness: Adam's condition,
Ousted from Eden, He took part in
From His moment of birth. A beast has its earth;
A bird its nest; even the sun its tent;
He had nowhere to lay His head.
He must pass by foot the land's length,
Becoming wearied, requesting refreshment,
His feet roughed by shards of stone.
Though always purposefully advancing to that ultimate  
Homelessness; friendlessness  
That through anguish for men He should secure
Never to be lacked, God's concept of home.


Selflessness: always the sheep,
All wanderers and all in need,
Brambled, fallen, or sickening,
Occupied His days. Touching,
Searching and healing He cared for them;
Whatever the distance, the hour, the depths,
Like the urgent benighted fisher
He was on call and on duty. Tenderly
He bore the lambs; patiently
Led the sheep; constantly was door
To their fold: both in metaphor and fact
He laid down His life for the sheep.


Tirelessness   season after season:
Ploughing the clogging soil (smelling
Freshness of clods); sowing good seed
Broadcast, tending, daily
Enduring that day's work, sustained
By the joy lying before, the vision
Of gold grain rippling in the breeze,
Foresight of the glory of the harvest.


Blamelessness   what these hands
(Blessing, healing, suffering) did,
What the pure heart felt, what
The descendent mind thought, perfected
For priesthood, ascent to the mount of God,
A stance in His holy place. Hands
Filled, consecrated, from God to men,
To God from men He served   to what
Extent? By the eternal Spirit He,
Spotless, offered Himself to God.


Fearlessness   our Hero went
The downward track, face set
Steadfastly; unencumbered by
A great man's armour He advanced
Against both death and its wielder
In the name of God whose ranks they defied:
By death death has been wrested
Into His victorious hand. Shielded
By the Conqueror's shield, defended
By His sword, victors by His victory
We cleave to our Deliverer.


Peerlessness   whether the descent
To the lower parts of the earth, whether
Ascent above all heavens;
Or simply child, man, carpenter,
Preacher and sufferer, not one
Can compare: how rightly therefore,
His worth proved, He has the place
We could not give though knowing He
Deserves it   accommodated on the Father's
Throne, coronated in His affections:
And among His brethren, those equipped
To surround His glory, refracting
To the magnification of His splendour.


Tearlessness   He will preside
Where not cheeks only but eyes
Will have received God's personal attention;
There, Minister of the Sanctuary, He,
Sweet Psalmist of Israel will orchestrate
Response. Under the King's direction
Instruments He has made will answer
To long years tautening and tuning,
To provide God what He first desired:
Amid the praises of His people - a home.

Tuesday 26 March 2024


(Written 15 October 1984)

My little daughter,  you know no language yet -

Forgive me then  while I expatiate

With this new composition  didactic verse

Using a style  I've borrowed from Old French.

It's no new wisdom  which I have to dispense

But you may find  it's helpful none the less.

Your life is an adventure  and you'll explore

Though you may not  wander from pole to pole.

Never, my daughter, repose in what you know

But always be a person  who pries and probes -

Through wind and rain,  like a keen Viking, row

Until you land  on you own Vinland shore.

Plough your own furrow  and always plough it straight;

Do not divert  to someone else's way;

Broadcast good seed  and then, with patience, wait -

Anything good  will grow in months, not days;

When it is ripe  harvest before the rain

And for the future  be generous with you grain.

Allow the time  occasionally to wander

Across the hills  or by the babbling waters;

Perceive the boredom;  the glory and the horror

Within all nature - slow slugs or leaping horses,

Ravenous shrew  or deft fish-killing otters.

Let each one halt you  and give you cause to ponder.

Fish just to meet  your own and other's wants

But not for pleasure - a sport which God abhors.

Both good and evil  will come within your trawl:

Discriminate - don't keep and swallow all.

Although winds blow  and bucking billows toss

Persist until you can  relish what's caught.

To be a poet  would do you little good

And whether I would like it  I am not sure.

There's poetry in life  as you will prove -

In every movement  a subtle rhythm moves,

In every word  a fertile tension broods;

And every object  is image for a mood.

I know that you  will never be a queen

- But you must rule  within yourself at least;

Only by self-control  can you be free.

Be careful not to watch  all that you see;

Be careful not to heed  all that you hear;

Your heart is the most precious  thing that you keep.

Philip had four  daughters who prophesied -

If he was fortunate   I can't decide!

So, little one,  prophesy if you like

But you must pray  from your depths to God's height,

Must find the answer  to darkness in God's light,

Must find in Jesus  the purpose of your life.

My little Rosalie, I'll soon have ended:

I'm sure you think  I've been too long already.

To tell the truth  you don't seem interested

In being wrapped  in archetypal vestments.

I guess it's nearly time  that you were bedded,

A so good night  and may God add His blessing.

Sunday 24 March 2024



The One by whom the worlds began

Who furnished Earth by what He said

Was found in figure as a Man

Without a place to lay His Head.

By Him on good and worthless ground

The seed, the word of God, was sown

And now for His delight abound

Fruits from good ground for Him alone.

From this world's raging seas He brought

Disciples, sinners born again:

He patiently and gently taught

Till they were also "catching men".

Unending gentleness and care

For those whom men despised as least,

With constant toil for men in prayer,

Displayed perfection of a priest.

And as the perfect Victim too

He met death in the darkest hour,

Emerging as the Victor who

Quelled death and him who had its power.

Ascended high to God's right hand

He sits upon the throne of grace

Acclaimed by all who understand

He has secured their heavenly place.

And as the Chief Musician now

He moves God's service, phrase by phrase,

Touching each harp-string to endow

Eternal, orchestrated praise.

Around London canals

Thursday 7 March 2024


A paean,
Eruption of soul and spirit,
Touching the King.

Bursting from silence
I prophesy the Coming One,
The Day Spring.

Stolid, a craftsman, why
Choose me as trustee of
The Holy Thing?

Though the weather cuts
And stones abrade,
Nettles and thorns sting

We glory in our pilgrimage
More than in ease
Or governing

Glad to be encumbered ‑
Gold, frankincense and myrrh ‑
By gifts we bring.

More than an angel
Redeemed, directed, lightened,
I now can sing.                                 

Sunday 3 March 2024


Pre-eminently David was a shepherd:

One with a heart his flock could all rely on.

He was no hireling but prepared to jeopard

His life to fight against the bear or lion

To lead his flock or lead his men to Zion.

But the Good Shepherd, Jesus, supersedes:

In love He suffered and in grace He leads.

Into the valley, humble yet defiant,

Confident in the way Jehovah led,

David went down to battle with the giant:

A skilful sling-stone smote Goliath dead

And David carried off his severed head.

Through greater depths and through exceeding woe

The Lord has quelled a more injurious foe.

Rejected and despised, a wanderer,

David found refuge in Adullam's cave;

And needy souls who gathered to him there

Because their debts were great or needs were grave

Found that he had ability to save:

Christ, who had once no place to lay His head,

Is Saviour now as risen from the dead.

As God's anointed David had dominion

That ranged from the Euphrates to the Sea;

Hundreds of judgments hung on his opinion,

Myriads of minions hung on his decree

While Israel was glorious and free.

But Christ will shoulder just administration

As King of every people, tribe and nation.

To build the house of God was his desire

And under God he was its architect;

It was most worthy that he should aspire

To serve God in a place he would erect

But God refused to give his will effect.

Only through Christ could God acquire a place

To dwell with men in righteousness and grace.

David went in to sit before the ark

To hear Jehovah in complacency;

He laid aside his realm's and household's cark

And heard the promise God had to convey:

Sustained by this he rose and went his way.

But in God's presence our High Priest remains – 

All things by love and vigour He sustains.

Whether the waters by his feet were calm

Or he was bruised by torrents of oppression

From each experience David formed a psalm.

He raised a hymn to God through his confession

And found a song as carried through depression.

But Christ now leads a heavenly company

Surrounding Him to praise eternally.