Sunday, 31 March 2013


Blind Bartimeus while sitting by the wayside
Loudly implored the Lord, the Son of David,
To give him sight, the blessing He was craving:
When he was healed children began proclaiming
The Son of David who came as King and Saviour.
The Pharisees averse to their displacement
Rejected Him for them and for the nation.
But God had promised that there would be no failure
Of David’s throne - so Jesus is awaiting
The time when Israel will gain salvation;
Meanwhile we Gentiles who have no rights by nature
Acquire our blessing through Israel’s betrayal.

Saturday, 30 March 2013


He gave Himself; now He provides Himself.
Christ is the substance of all that nourishes
Those who are His and whom He cherishes;
He is the Manna which graciously descends,
Fine, granular, upon the wilderness
Sustaining where conditions are adverse.
The Old Corn of the Land is nourishment
Within the realm where He Himself has led
Outwith the power and influence of death.
For all His own He is the living Bread:
Souls only who have fed upon His flesh
And drunk His blood have life within themselves.

Friday, 29 March 2013


Since He accomplished all the redeeming work
And since it is the right of His own worth
The Lord is set on the Father's throne above:
In that position Christ Jesus is the hub
Of a new system to which He is the Sun -   
He orders each in his own orbit's curve.
If we are true no influence will perturb
No falling star will move us or disrupt
But we shall share the benefits of love:
To gain His light where once we had been dull,
To gain His warmth where bitter frosts occurred,
To gain His peace which nothing can disturb.

Thursday, 28 March 2013


The Tree of Life planted within the garden
Was even then attractionless to Adam
And when at length the Lord was seen in manhood,
One Sprout of green, within a desert landscape,
Men saw no beauty and found Him unattractive.
But by God's grace saved from the power of darkness
Our taste is changed with all our hearts' reactions
So that to Christ our new affections answer:
We are replete in scenes that once seemed barren.
We love the Olive Tree whence we gain fatness;
We love the sweetness hung in the Fig Tree's branches;
We love the Vine which moves our hearts to gladness.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013


He is my Rock in whom I can confide,
Ensconced within the warmth of its defile,
Safe from the storm and Satan's foul device.
I build on Him according to design:
Where could I build except on Jesus Christ?
God took me up and set me on these Heights,
Transformed my gait: I now have feet like hinds’!
But, no mere base or timeless place to hide,
Out of itself the smitten Rock provides
Abundant water imbuing me with life,
Abundant oil enduing me with light,
Abundant honey to sate my appetite.


Tuesday, 26 March 2013


This is the Man for whom our hearts are waiting:
The Man who is the Lord Jesus Christ Saviour,
Who will effect the final transformation
Of these, the bodies of our humiliation
To be like His in final conformation
According to His power for subjugation.
And while that moment is still anticipated
We grow in knowledge of all His undertakings
But, more than that, of His abundant graces,
Seeking to keep the word of Jesus' patience,
Craving perfection of partly known relations:
To Him be glory throughout eternal ages!

This comes from, "for *our* commonwealth has its existence in [the] heavens, from which also we await the Lord Jesus Christ [as] Saviour", the '[as]' being an addition to clarify, and it has been suggested that the whole really is one title.

Monday, 25 March 2013


Luke introduces the title of 'Lord Jesus'
Anticipating the blessings of this era;
And Paul develops the title as a feature
Of church response in power of Christ's inbreathing.
He is the One His bride admires in nearness:
No other vessel assesses Him so clearly
Nor can express His glories so completely.
He is the Lord rightly described as Chiefest
And in His name is power of our beseeching,
While acting in that name is what will please Him.
Finally John reveals the mutual speaking
"Lord Jesus, Come" which crowns the Spirit's eon.

Sunday, 24 March 2013


This was the Hope before the whole twelve tribes:
They laboured till He came, by day and night.
Yet when He came they would not own Him Christ
Or that this title was righteously ascribed.
God found the Man who answered to His mind,
Whose excellence was human and divine
Since He was holy, harmless and undefiled:
So He anointed Him for His delight.
This was the Christ foreknown before all time
Who proved His worth in His resplendent life;
This is the Christ in whom our souls can hide,
Who has redeemed us at a transcendent price.

Saturday, 23 March 2013


Peter might learn his sin and be distraught
Admitting that the Saviour should withdraw,
Yet at that moment he owned that Christ was Lord.
Saul might be smashed while battling against God,
Ravaging those Christ purchased at such cost,
Yet at that moment he owned that Christ was Lord.
Till as time passed Peter could grandly talk
About his Master that He is Lord of all.
And Paul would teach that man's salvation was
To own Christ risen confessing Him as Lord,
While God will act that all things should record
The glorious fact that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Friday, 22 March 2013


O Jesus, Jesus - the Man of Galilee,
The Man who came to make His people free:
The Man whose Person is of so high degree
They were repelled when He answered “I am He!",
Yet who was sold for such a paltry fee;
Despite His sorrows that Man refused to flee
But took the way which led Him to the tree;
The Man who always hears the sinner's plea;
The Man whose glory the universe will see.
In their response to the divine decree
All living things to Him will bow the knee:
Oh Jesus, Jesus - the Man who died for me.

Writing this sequence I began to feel that the verse was moving forward like waves.  So this begins a wave of laises relating to names, offices and titles of the Lord Jesus. 

Thursday, 21 March 2013


But as the Lord moved by obedient steps
Towards the cross and His vicarious death
What of His feet - did any care for them?
The women cared: one saw His need and wept
And by her tears the Master was refreshed;
She poured out myrrh despite opposers there.
Mary had sat beside His feet and heard,
Had bowed to them under the greatest test:
She valued them and showered on them the best,
The finest nard, a fragrant recompense.
Soon as His footstool His foes will all be set: 
That is the just reward which God directs.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


As for His shoulders, what burdens have they borne?
Toward Golgotha He walked a bitter road:
The cross He carried, a rough and evil load;
Since I was sinful and lost and wont to rove
The Lord descended and took the Shepherd's role,
Coming to seek me and gently bear me home;
A Man in glory He wears the priestly robe,
Its shoulder-pieces a pair of onyx-stones
On which are written, in order, all His own
Sustained by Jesus, the Priest upon a throne;
While in my pathway the Man whom I adore
Is not ashamed to share with me His yoke.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


By what authority did Jesus speak
And to which principle did He adhere?
"Morning by morning He openeth mine ear".
He would not speak that which He did not hear:
In words or deeds obedience was complete
Unto the cross   the uttermost extreme.
But as He went He heard the cries of need
From those around and always stopped to heal.
Exalted now the Saviour still takes heed
Of every prayer and every humble plea:
His ears are open and still He will relieve
All who are weary, as their sustaining Priest.

Friday, 15 March 2013


What of His face which He had firmly set
To go God's way towards Jerusalem?
Such was the hate and bitterness of men
None will be marred as His was marred again;
No visage was so marred as His and yet
His look of love caused Peter to repent.
But God ensured after the Lord's ascent
Stephen should see its glory from the earth:
While with no veil but glory evident
We look to heaven and gaze upon Him there,
Subjected thus to metamorphoses,
So that His glory is more and more expressed.

Off to Knutsford for a few days - so I don't expect to be posting.
Can I recommend Broken Chariots

Thursday, 14 March 2013


Who measured out the waters in His palm
And meted out the heavens in His span?
The One who handled and healed the leprous man,
Who raised the child, her hand warm in His grasp;
The One who held the children in His arms  
He holds them still and will not let them part;
The One whose touch was always operant
Upon such poor and powerless operands;
The One whose flesh felt the nail's brutal stab:
And risen showed to His beloved the marks;
This was the One who led His own apart
And who ascended blessing with outstretched hands.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013


As far as Bethany Christ led the twelve -   
Within their midst He raised His hands to bless
And in that manner they saw the Lord ascend:
And in that manner, they learned, He'll come again.
They were sent back towards Jerusalem
There to await the next sublime event:
The Holy Spirit coming at Christ's behest.
Meanwhile in heaven the Lord set down Himself
Upon the Father's throne in evidence
That all is done; and love is manifest.
Heaven assured a splendid recompense
While God assigned the richest diadem.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013


His lovers gathered, the Jews barred out through fear:
This was an ambience for Jesus to appear;
Coming among them His word to them was "Peace!"
He showed His hands and side that had been pierced;
His risen presence brought His disciples cheer.
"I send you as my Father has sent out Me"
He told His own and having said that breathed
The Holy Spirit which they were to receive.
Thomas was absent and, having disbelieved,
The Lord, in grace, said "Bring your fingers here":
Thomas acknowledged the Person he revered
But missed the blessing of those who have not seen.

Monday, 11 March 2013


They trudged away, weary and disappointed -  
Their hearts were sad, and all their hopes seemed voided,
But as they went an unknown Person joined them.
He listened to their woes and their sad voices
And when He spoke to them His words were poignant
As He disclosed the route of God's Anointed:
That He much touch environments that were noisome
And die for men under His God's appointment;
Cross before crown could no way be avoided.
To linger with them they urgently enjoined Him -  
Once He revealed Himself they did not loiter
But hastened to the saints, their hearts rejoicing.

Sunday, 10 March 2013


From where had been the Saviour's head and feet
The angels asked "Woman, why dost thou weep?"
Without her Lord what was her life but grief?
The Risen One asked her "Whom dost thou seek?"
And her response was proof her love was deep.
Then He said, "Mary" - ineffable relief,
Unending joy, and homage were released.
Secrets of love the Saviour now revealed:
That He had brethren - and Jesus had no need
To teach her who incorporated these;
That His own Father and His own God would be
Their God and Father through what He had achieved.

Saturday, 9 March 2013


Death could not long within its clasp confine
The glorious Man who is the Prince of Life;
The Righteous One by His inherent right
Stopped and rolled back the ever-conquering tide;
The Father's glory in its exultant might
Raised Him who is the Father's chief delight.
Death is no foe in this triumphant time
And he who wielded it is undermined,
His kingdom broken and broken too his pride.
The Lord is risen - who lately man reviled;
The Lord is risen - the Victor in the strife;
The Lord is risen - His conquest has sufficed.


Friday, 8 March 2013


If men appointed His grave with wicked men
God intervened to utilise reserves:
Pilate would wonder on hearing Joseph beg
The holy body after a shameful death.
Under God's hand Joseph prepared the best,
Cared for the body in which God was expressed.
In his own tomb which he had hewn himself
He laid that body with loving tenderness;
Had an acquaintance come to Jerusalem
He would have judged that Joseph must be dead -  
In principle he would have been correct:
For him remained no prospect on this earth.

Thursday, 7 March 2013


It was for me Christ hung upon the cross;
He made atonement for evil I had wrought
And bore my sins in poverty and loss;
Made sin for me He met God's righteous wrath;
He was my ransom and His own life the cost,
While by His precious blood I have been bought.
He died for me and - oh amazing thought! -
The One who died is in His Person God.
For me He took the curse of broken law,
Reconciled me who otherwise was lost,
Shed precious blood to cleanse from every spot
And lives to be Deliverer and Lord.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013


Those crucified with Him reproached Him too,
But one soul worked, God-guided, towards the truth.
"Father, forgive them  - they know not what they do"
- Was that the word through which change was produced
So that the thief confessed death was his due
While Jesus was in every action good?
That Jesus was the Lord he also knew
And longed to see Christ's kingdom introduced.
The Lord did not delay the joyful news
That paradise followed what he endured:
But more than that He was the Saviour who
Would be with him, his righteousness secured.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013


What crowns have they awarded to my Lord
And who was it determined such awards?
Firstly the soldiers plaited a crown of thorns
To grace His head while He endured the cross;
Though innocent of hate they moved in scorn
Coarsely disposed merely to jeer and mock.
Threat nor complaint came from the Lord of all
Though by His word their breath could be recalled.
But finally another crown adorns
The One who brought to God more than He lost.
God has ensured He has His just reward  
Glory and honour bestowed on Him by God.

Monday, 4 March 2013


Earth has not known a more incongruous scene  
The Son of God before a judgment seat;
The Righteous One arraigned by wicked priests;
The glorious Lord apparently demeaned;
The crowd at war against the Prince of Peace;
The Just condemned; the guilty man released;
A governor debased to feebly plead;
His gentile wife owning Christ's righteous deeds
While Jews demand their own Messiah's grief.
Within this scene perfection is replete:
The Lamb of God moves humbly to complete
His sacrifice by which we have been healed.

Sunday, 3 March 2013


Where did He spend the hours of that last night?
The Mount of Olives where He had valued life
And with His Father had joy that was divine;
Gethsemane: there His will must collide
With Satan's will to swerve Him from the right.
Yet if there lay before Him hours of strife
And grief more fierce that any can indite
His soul recoiled but Christ would not resile.
The enemy might try each thwart device:
He could not touch the dignity of Christ.
Before fire touched the offering in the types
The water proved the sacrifice refined.

Saturday, 2 March 2013


The Lord desired to be among His own
To give the comfort He only could afford.
Seated at Supper the Master took a loaf
Which, having blessed, before He passed, He broke.
"This is my body", His people often quote
Owning His rights where He had been disowned.
He blessed the cup giving it to denote
The precious blood which shortly would be poured.
Such was the depth of God's sublime resource
To demonstrate love in its broadest force;
Oh glorious giving by which we are restored:
Oh great memorial confirmed by Christ enthroned.

Friday, 1 March 2013


Knowing His hour had come, before the feast,
Christ loved His own with love that would not cease;
He was for them a friend and paraclete.
Conscious the Father appraised Him and was pleased
He rose to wash the twelve disciples feet.
How wonderful the glory of the scene  
The Lord of glory serving upon His knees.
If Peter jibbed His Master could reveal
The glorious thought each could have "part with Me"
While He regarded Peter as "wholly clean".
What He had done was more than one could speak:
Great love alone educed this means to teach.