Friday, 20 November 2009


But how we would have loved to see
Her showing off her infant charms
And chuckling in her mother's arms -
Which God decided would not be.

And how we would have watched her grow
Delighting in the normal child
At whose quaint ways we would have smiled -
But by God's will it is not so.

We might have seen her day by day
Flourish in ease and loveliness
With sparkling graces to express -
But our desire was not God's way.

And woman, ripened to fulfil
Beside a loving husband's side
The features of a graceful bride -
But this desire was not God's will.


  1. Zechariah 8:5
    "And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof."

    ..this verse is referring to the streets of jerusalem, but do you think that there will be many boys and girls playing on the street of gold in heaven david?
    in any case though that little marina is with the lord in his arms!
    from terry

  2. Hi David:)

    Very interesting poem pouring out your feelings and thoughts about Marina. It is natural that you foresee a wonderful future for Marina but some times our desires are not fulfilled. God knows best. As long as she is in the hands of God there is nothing to worry about. But I understand and appreciate your feelings.

    I am sure Marina will be happy where ever she is is.

    Have a nice day David:)


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!