Are learned Pens solicitous to express
Idle Chimeraes in Romantick Dress?
And shall the Fame of these Heroick Friends,
Be thought a Theme unworthy of such Pens?
Where a more Princely Pattern can we find
Of Loyal Friendship, and a Nobler Mind,
Than shines in Jonathan, Saul's famous Son?
Whose Heart to David, since the Conquest won
From Great Goliath, was so firmly knit,
That no Self-Interest could e'er alter it:
Such potent Love sprang in his Royal Breast,
That he disrob'd himself, to cloath his Guest;
And gave his Garments, Girdle, Sword, and Bow,
Whether he did, by sacred Instinct know
He should his Father in the Throne succeed:
(Can Man divert what Heaven hath decreed?)
And tho' the Kishite politickly told,
Whilst Jesse's Son surviv'd, he never should
Establish his Dominion, or advance
His Royal Scepter: Yet since Providence
Had so dispos'd it, He with Pious Mind,
Serene from Envy, had in Heart resign'd
His Kingly Pow'r to David: For had he
Been false in Heart, some Trick of Treachery
Had broken forth, his Honour to obscure;
Yet David otherways been kept secure.
But O his brave Heroick Soul disdain'd
Ignoble Projects; yea, a Crown so stain'd
With Breach of Friendship! Ah, how did he plead
With furious Saul, and nobly interceed
For absent David, till he did provoke
To (had it hit) a sad and fatal Stroke
Against himself? then meekly he withdrew,
And at the appointed Season went to shew
This unto him, whose Life seem'd to depend
On the Fidelity of such a Friend;
Who (pre-advis'd) did privately attend
The Prince's coming; where, with mutual Grief,
Leave to depart, was then the sole Relief
Time did afford; with Tears, and great Increase
Of Sorrow, David is dismiss'd in Peace.
But David, truly worthy such a Friend,
Rememb'red this, when Heav'n had put an End
To Rivalty of Rule, and call'd away
The noble Prince; lest here his longer Stay
Might seem t' eclipse his great renowned Name,
Had he surviv'd to see another Reign:
David yet grateful (when with watry Eyes,
He had bewail'd his dear Friend's Exequies,
And griev'd that he was by Philistines slain,
'Gainst whom his Sword was never drawn in vain,
Ʋntil that dismal Day, that Heaven's Decree
On wretched Saul must executed be)
Sought out Occasion how to manifest
The Effects of Friendship in his Kingly Breast;
And to the Off-spring, gently did extend
The Favours due to his deceased Friend;
Mephibosheth, tho' Saul's Posterity,
(Saul's, that was of such noted Enmity
To David) being Son to Jonathan
Must dwell at Court, the King will entertain
Him at his Royal Table, gives Command
For the Surrender of Saul's State and Land.
Was David valiant? Did he, void of Fear,
Assail and slay a Lion and a Bear,
And with undaunted Courage overcome
The Warlike Gathite with a little Stone?
But, which preferr'd him more than all the rest,
An upright Heart he bore within his Breast.
Was not his Friendly Rival, Jonathan,
Renown'd sor Valour too? The only Man,
That, with his Armour-Bearer, overthrew
The proud Philistines, ere his Father knew
With whom he left the Host of Israel,
Whilst the proud Garrison before him fell,
With Dread and Trembling; Israel, mean while
Amaz'd, made Haste but to pursue and spoil:
Yet did he not out-brave his Loyal Friend,
But by Majestick Meekness recommend
That true Nobility of Mind, that brings
A greater Honour than the Name of Kings.
For tho' his Sword many Philistines slew,
And Israel's Foes he bravely did subdue;
Yet did that Love and Friendship in his Breast,
Embalm his honour'd Name above the rest
Of his renowned Vertues, and engage
Immortal Fame in each succeeding Age.
Mary Mollineux c.1651-1695
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