Friday, 6 January 2023



Psalm-chanter amid the arrow-storm,
Should a saint, God-tempter,
Bare his neck and breast?

Should a saint be land-splitter,
King-supplicant, in a world
Of Christ-rejection?

If he will desire sea-chilled
Monkishness, should a saint
Become wife-bonded?

Sleek dragon-heads affright
Plough-followers: does
A Christ-follower contend thus?

Dove-simple, is the saint
Also serpent-wise? Yet
He is accepter of God’s will.

Christ dies a robber-death;
Should His saint die requesting
A chieftain-death?

Christ-sleeper in your earth-bed,
Prayer-deaf, among the blood-redeemed,
Do you lie, Magnus, God-called,
The only saint you will be?     

This needs an explanation; it refers to Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney, in due course recognised as a saint.  See here: Magnus Erlendsson.  He is the great hero of the writings of the Orkney poet, George Mackay Brown.  Much that I have learned about putting a poem together comes from GMB; but that doesn't mean I always agree with him.
For another view of GMB see Ships.  And more of the rather magical islands of Orkney are here: Scottish Stones.

Since I'm in the mood for links, try:
And the carving is:


  1. I so enjoyed this poem, and appreciate the backstory of Magnus.
    Blessings, David, and Happy New Year!

  2. Thank you David. Thank you also for the links.


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!