Sunday 23 August 2020

Although all we like sheep had gone astray

 Although all we like sheep had gone astray

And wandered from the shelter of the fold

Our great good Shepherd followed our bent way

Through crags and hollows that cannot be told:

Good Shepherd laying all down for the sheep

And showing thus the wonders of God’s grace!

Great Shepherd of the sheep whose grace will keep

All whom He reaches to behold God’s face!


God laid upon Him our iniquities:

The iniquities of all who trust in Him

And find in Him their Fortress and their Rest;

He suffered once for these propensities

Which shut up Eden by the cherubim

When to man’s view the Saviour was oppressed.

1 comment:

  1. Once again David, lovely poem of truth and very nice pic. God bless you


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