Wednesday 13 January 2010


From where had been the Saviour's head and feet
The angels asked "Woman, why dost thou weep?"
Without her Lord what was her life but grief?
The Risen One asked her "Whom dost thou seek?"
And her response was proof her love was deep.
Then He said "Mary" ‑ ineffable relief,
Unending joy, and homage were released.
Secrets of love the Saviour now revealed:
That He had brethren ‑ and Jesus had no need
To teach her who incorporated these;
That His own Father and His own God would be
Their God and Father through what He had achieved.

We'll have another four from "Touching the King".

1 comment:

  1. David,

    I could only imagine how a grief stricken Mary must have felt to hear the words from her risen Savior speaking to her. What a life changing moment.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!