Wednesday, 29 June 2016


Thou, the I AM, who dwelt before
The fundament of time and space
Didst come to say, “I am the Door”;
What condescending grace!
When we were wandering astray
Thou didst pursue us to retrace
Our steps, and say, “I am the Way”;
What condescending grace!
Man’s way of thinking was uncouth,
Yet Thou didst come and take man’s place,
And say to man, “I am the Truth”;
What condescending grace!
Thou didst endure our world of strife,
The cross, and death, to meet our case
And bring Thy word, “I am the Life”;
What condescending grace!

Sunday, 26 June 2016


As Israel’s givers would inspect
Herds for the best gift they could find
God chose distinctly from mankind
Thee to be named as His Elect.

As God saw history unfold
There was one Man He longed to see;
When Thou wast here found in Thee
His servant, whom He could uphold.

As God looked down on everyone
Who was alive in Israel,
He saw One who did all things well
And called Thee His beloved Son.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


O Wonderful, Thou hast come here
Where sins had left me ailing;
Where sorrow, death and evil reigned
Thy grace was never-failing;
More wonderful, the previous blood
Flowed when Thy side was riven;
Till grace abounding was revealed
And sinful souls forgiven.
O Counsellor, disciples came
For teaching on the mountain;
The woman of Samaria gained
Thy guidance by the fountain;
Two saints help although their way
Led outward to Emmaus:
Thy word comes still from depth and height
Or where life’s sorrows fray us.

O Mighty God, Thy universe
Is wonderful and spacious;
Yet Thou hast come within its scope
And shown that Thou art gracious;
The Mighty God who dwelt in light
Came near to men in meekness
And so we praise Thee for Thy power
Is perfected in weakness,
O Father of eternity
Thy power shall rule the nations
And all shall flow to Israel
To join their celebrations.
Relationships with God and man
Will have their true connexion
And everything shall gain from Thee
Its temper and complexion.

O Prince of peace, Thou hast brought peace
And reconciliation;
Thy blood and cross secure the ground
Of peace for every nation;
Now righteousness and peace have kissed,
And grace and truth have flourished;
And through the work of peace Thy saints
Are comforted and nourished.

Thursday, 16 June 2016


If waves appear to overwhelm
Faith sees the Master at the helm;
If winds appear to countervail
Faith see the Master ease the sail;
If breakers break and rollers roll
Faith sees the Master in control;
O Master we rejoice that we
Sail with the Master of the sea.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016


Behold the Lamb of God who walked
On earth in perfect dignity;
Behold the Lamb of God who died
Because of our iniquity;
Behold the Lamb upon the throne,
Who has been raised and glorified;
Behold the Lamb’s wife who alone
Can grace the day of which He talked.

The heavenly chorus will rejoice
When the Lamb’s wife is at Thy side:
But now before us are the charms
Which Thou, the Bridegroom, dost provide.
The Bridegroom's face lights and delights;
The Bridegroom's grace arms and disarms;
The bridal chorus now unites
In answer to the Bridegroom's voice.

Soon as the bridegroom in his strength
Thou, Sun of Righteousness shalt rise,
To bountifully bless the scene
God purchased through Thy sacrifice;
And all shall flourish in Thy light
While all men’s realms shall be serene,
And all shall be for God’s delight
In height and depths and breadth and length!

Friday, 10 June 2016


Lord Jesus, Thou art the Good Shepherd
Who laid down His life for the sheep;
That joy might be known
By all of Thine own
Thy sorrow was bitter and deep.

Lord Jesus, Thou art the Great Shepherd
Whom God brought again from the dead;
Since Thou art alive
Thy flock now may thrive
As skilfully nourished and led.

Lord Jesus, Thou art the Chief Shepherd 
The first place in all things is Thine;
When Thou dost appear
And we are drawn near
Thy love will unfadingly shine.

 An older one reposted, but in line with the current attempts.

Saturday, 4 June 2016


Apostle and High Priest of our confession,
Through moral worth and through God's sovereign choice;

A Priest to whom there can be no succession;

Thy voice will have no superseding voice.

We praise Thee as Thou art the Mediator
Of God and men, and ransom for us all;
Thou art a Man, yet Thou art the Creator,
And as a Man the answer to man’s fall.

Thou hast become our Patron with the Father,
And tell Him of the work that Thou hast done
For all those whom Thy love delights to gather,
Since Thou has tasted death for every one.

Whilst Thou are seated now at God’s right hand
We know that Thou dost care and understand.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


Thou cause of heaven’s exultation,
Yet in such lowliness displayed,
Thou hast, as Firstborn of creation,
Lived in the world that Thou hadst made!

And such the grace of Thy subjection
That Thou hast died here in our stead,
But in Thy glorious resurrection
Thou art the Firstborn from the dead.

When Thou wast here there were not any
To comfort Thee in time of strife
But now Thou art Firstborn of many -
Thy brethren in Thy risen life.

Come near as Man Thou art distinguished
As Firstborn by the Father’s choice;
Thy praise will never be extinguished
And all Thy worshippers rejoice.

I think this will go to the tune St Clement.