Saturday, 15 March 2025

"GRACE UPON GRACE" by G Allan Brown

 "Grace upon grace" with constancy unceasing

Those mighty billows ever onward roll;

Their power and might and impulse ne'er decreasing

With joy and calm supreme o'erflood the soul.

"Grace upon grace" whate'er the trials around us,

Though desolate the vale of Baca be,

Fulness divine and endless grace surround us -

Compassed about by love's unmeasured sea.

O Lord, 'tis grace, Thy grace which now preserves us;

Its deep unplumbed our souls shall never know;

Yet this we know, that grace unceasing serves us

And keeps us near to Thee while here below.

We stand upon the fringe of that vast ocean,

'Tis here the breakers seem to stronger beat,

'Tis at the edge we feel the stronger motion,

'Tis here that grace our frailties doth meet.

Ere long we shall with Thee enjoy the fulness

Of that unfathomed tide, in heaven above.

We soon shall bask in wondrous love and nearness

And live eternally, immersed in love!

Around Great Cumbrae


  1. Grace upon grace . . . I did enjoy the poem by Allen Brown (any relative?) and the photos are amazing, David. Blessings!

    1. Thanks; Allan, now with Christ, was a faithful brother in my place for many years; he wasn't a relative. I seem to know quite a few Browns! It was a really good day that we visited Great Cumbrae; the distant hills in some of the pictures are on the island of Arran.


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