Sunday, 23 March 2025

DIVINE GRACE by Stanley Drever

 From the heights of glory the message comes

    Of how God has come near to men

For the worlds were made by the blessed One

    Who came into manhood then.

So in full devotion to God's own will

    Christ His beautiful pathway trod

Till His prayer, so poignant and moving, spoke

    Of His sacrifice to God.

And the One who died on that shameful tree

    At the place known as Calvary

Was the One who fashioned the starry sky - 

    Yet He gave Himself for me!

From the grave triumphant the Saviour came

    And ascended to God's right hand

Where He's given a name above every name - 

    Soon He'll greet His ransomed band!

Oh would you, friend, share in His glory there

    And there lay at His feet your crown?

Just surrender all to the Saviour's thrall - 

    He, for you, in grace, came down.

In His precious blood that was shed for sins

    Put your trust - learn His present love;

And repenting sinners communion keep

    Till we see His face above.

Stanley Drever, also now with Christ, was local in Calgary in Canada.

Still around Great Cumbrae, with the isle of Arran across the water.


  1. Amazing poem and photos, David. You made my day with these. Blessings!

  2. Wonderful poem by Stanley. Did you know him personally?

    1. Thanks; he came to Loanhead, where I am, a long time ago. I recall an aged sister with a broad Scottish border accent saying, "Thaat's a right cheery maan, thaat!" about him. We have links with a number in Calgary.


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!