Sunday 23 June 2024


On this ascent David
Wept; but on this summit
David worshipped; and here
His friend Hushai met him.

All others going home
Jesus was here: alone,
But not alone, enjoying
The company of His Father.

The coigne afforded the Christ
A view of Jerusalem; a point
To which could come for prophecy
Four of His disciples.

In this vicinity Jesus found
The ass and colt; here
He was acclaimed; from here
He descended, and wept.

Having sung a hymn He led
To the place of anguished breath;
To the place of agony foreseen
Where the Father's will enthralled.

Next see a triumphing troop,
Disciples, returning from the Mount
Of Olive where they have observed
The ascension of their risen Lord.

And Messiah's feet will stand
On the Mount of Olives when He
Goes out to fight; this Mount shall
Be His people's way of escape.

More in Dalkeith Country Park 
Jane works at an outdoor nursery here.

Sunday 16 June 2024


 One has been found                            We have found

Slain, in the land; who                        A heifer never

Is the slayer?                                       Subject to man’s will.


Measure with the reed;                       Bring it to the watercourse

Is that the nearest city,                        Which has its spring

Jerusalem?                                           Beyond the will of man.


Measure more closely                          Take the heifer

The line stretches to                            To the flowing watercourse

Heart and conscience.                         Break its neck there.


                                    The blood of Jesus

                                    Is the only atonement

                                    For the sin that shed it.

Dalkeith Country Park in Autumn