Sunday 16 June 2024


 One has been found                            We have found

Slain, in the land; who                        A heifer never

Is the slayer?                                       Subject to man’s will.


Measure with the reed;                       Bring it to the watercourse

Is that the nearest city,                        Which has its spring

Jerusalem?                                           Beyond the will of man.


Measure more closely                          Take the heifer

The line stretches to                            To the flowing watercourse

Heart and conscience.                         Break its neck there.


                                    The blood of Jesus

                                    Is the only atonement

                                    For the sin that shed it.

Dalkeith Country Park in Autumn

1 comment:

  1. Jesus, our Savior and complete atonement for every sin.
    God bless you and yours, David!


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!