Friday, 2 December 2022

To M. Jhone Welshe by Elizabeth Melville, Lady Culross


My dear brother, with courage bear the crosse,

Joy sall be joyned to all thy sorrow here;

High is thy hope; disdain this earthlie drosse!

Once sall you see the wished day appear.

Now it is dark, thy sky cannot be clear;

Efter the clouds, it sall be calm anone.

Wait on his will whoes blood hath bought thee dear,

Extoll his name, tho’ outward joyes be gone;

Look to the Lord, thou art not left alone,

Since he is there quhat pleasure canst thou take! -

He is at hand, and hears thy heavy groan,

End out thy faught, and suffer for his sake!

   A sight most bright thy soul sall schortly see

   When store of Glore thy rich reward sall be.

Elizabeth Melville, Lady Culross  (c.1578–c.1640)

(Notice the acrostic)

On Captain's Road

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