Sunday, 25 September 2022


 So He came forth, the Universe-maker,

Heaven-measurer, to be confined within

The breadth of a womb.

He who had stretched out the heavens

As a gauze curtain was prepared to be

Swaddled in linen.

The Earth-founder, Layer of foundations

Upon nothing, came where He could be

A Babe in a manger.

The Creation-commander, Orderer of 

Star, and planet, and comet became

An obedient Child.

Maker of the rivers, and the Former

Of the baptising saint, He willingly

Was baptised in Jordan.

Himself the Word, whose breath can consume,

Yet He answered Satan's assaults

With words of Scripture.

This restriction, to not please Himself

But do the will of His Father,

Gave Him great joy.

Some ruled as kings, or emperors, or priests

Over God's people; but in God's Messiah

Men saw the Carpenter.

He who could move on the wings of the wind

Or fly on the cherub, contented Himself

To walk on His feet.

Through these restrictions

There was this that was unlimited:

The communion of a Son with a Father.

(Callanish, 3 June 2022)

Farewell to Lewis


  1. Amazing poem, David! Yes, that the God of the whole universe would condescend to come to earth as one of us is beyond understanding. How blessed we are!


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!