Tuesday, 31 December 2019


(for Catriona)

A new year has begun: after the years
Of human patience, folly and endeavour -
Salted with sea-spray, human blood, and tears -
Which had their spring-tide but have ebbed forever.
Fragments of lives, famous, worthwhile or dull
Strand on the shifting dunes we call "today";
We beach-comb through sea-sculpted drift to cull
Some shards we dignify as "history".

But through the moon-tossed sea and wind-blown sand
Pierces the Rock: we turn as do the tides
But Christ remains. We may not understand
Yet apprehend that He who now presides
Above the orb of time invaded time
In love that is eternal and sublime.

Catriona, who knows how long after I wrote, this now lectures in history.


  1. Hi David,
    turmoil may come each day of the year, but may we hold fast to our SOLID ROCK.

  2. I especially like: "We beach-comb through sea-sculpted drift to cull some shards we dignify as history"and "apprehend that He who now presides above the orb of time invaded time." Thanks for pointing to Christ, our Rock!


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!