Sunday, 30 November 2014


What wonders were seen in the pristine church
Formed by the Spirit to be for Christ's glory!
What power in the word of the apostle
To turn to the Lord many in Israel!
What power in his word to heal the lame man;
And power in his word to unmask deception!
Shown the assembly's heavenly ambience
He blasted the passage through which Paul ventured.
How glorious the light that the Spirit gave
To magnify Christ, to Paul the apostle!
How full the truth that the heavenly Man
Disclosed to Paul, that the church is His body.
In the light of this what praise ascended
And what testimony came through Paul's writings.
The saints of Ephesus specially displayed
The love and life that took pulse from Christ's headship.
And throughout the vicissitudes of time
The Head has His body; the body its Head.
But whenever man is responsible
He has failed in his responsibility.
Let us give thanks for the heavenly Head
And for what is held by the Holy Spirit!
May we have help in our generation
To respond in practice to the Head's guidance!
But soon the saints departed from the way
Of constantly drawing from the Head's wisdom
Despite the power of the Holy Spirit
Since that was wise in divine operations:
Only thus could there be overcomers
Fit for the gifts that heaven longs to bestow,
Faithfully adhering to their Lord's will
In the midst of the indifferent churches.
But what a turning away from the truth
Plunging men to the depths of superstition,
Binding their souls by human fantasies,
Blinding their hearts by depriving them of faith!
But in all this the Lord knew those who were His
And rejoiced in the light that shone in the dark.
Through the clogged valleys where little fruit grew
God drove like a ploughshare His servant Luther;
Rich was the yield from that overturning,
Justification by faith being the crop.
And once that was vigorously growing
Images and superstitions went tumbling
While men, assured of divine righteousness
Grew to show the righteousnesses of the saints,
The Holy Spirit thus securing praise
And witness, even to the blood of the martyrs.
Yet throughout this growth there was this weakness:
The trend to lean on the trellis of the state,
And any leaning on man's woodenness
Will splinter the hand like Egypt's broken reed.
But the grace of God continued to give
A gospel message to those who would attend.
How could there be revival to God's thoughts
And something on earth that was for His pleasure?
The public status might not be revived
But the body's vitality might flourish.
All depended on a separate path
Walked in subjection to the heavenly Head.
Rejoice therefore that persons have been found
Subject, and departing from iniquity
- Specially as seen in the public body -
Gathered together to remember the Lord.
But as I consider this blessedness
I remember my own need for commitment:
This blessedness is not some abstraction
But depends on persons with real devotion.
Holy Spirit, help me to be faithful
In my part in the lasting testimony!
Lord Jesus, keep me under Thy guidance
Until I am taken to be with Thyself!
Father of compassion give me the grace
To walk the narrow path until the Lord comes!

Saturday, 29 November 2014


Because the Shepherd
Knowing the depths of my need
Gave Himself for me;

Because the Shepherd
In His goodness carried me
On His own shoulders;

Because the Spirit
Has shone around me darkness
The light of God's Word;

Because the Spirit
Has swept the house carefully
Until He found me.

Because the Father
Ran to give me a welcome,
Embraced, and kissed me.

Because I am clothed
In the Best Robe that God has,
The worth of Christ.

Because I've been given
The token of divine love
A ring on my hand.

Because I now wear
The dignity that God gives,
Sandals on my feet.

Because I can share
The feast on the fatted calf:
God's thoughts of His Son.

Because God in grace
Desires to give me a place
In the Father's house.

Friday, 28 November 2014


How does it work,
The Computer, where pulses form
New virtualities on
A myriad screens? How
Does it interpret the messages,
Without interferences to achieve
A myriad ends. The science nearly
Is as far beyond me as the achieving
Of the multifarious ends
Of the operations of God.

Thursday, 27 November 2014


Before the worlds were made the Father chose
Sons and I love the Father since I was
Among His chosen ones. And now because
He chose me He has blessed me among those
Whom He has chosen, since, as the wind blows,
His Spirit reached me. Since the Father draws
To Christ I love the Father, and He awes
My soul; all is though Christ who died and rose.

But if I was selected in the past
And blessed here in the present, how much rather
I love the Father since these joys will last:

Among the saints whom He delights to gather
Which all the counsel of His will amassed
Eternally I'll say, “I love the Father”.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014


I love the Father for that name of grace
Encapsulates the virtues He displays;
Considering His counsels and His ways
I love the Father who secured a place
For persons such as me before His face.
I love the Father since in all my days
He cares for me; and all His thoughts amaze
The saints whom He enthralls by His embrace.

Since I am marred by fleshliness and sin
He has to chasten me and thwart me till
I love the Father for His discipline.

Since He has worked in patience to instil
His graces in me till they grow within
My heart, I love the Father for His will.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


I love the Father for He gave His Son
For me; I love the Father for He gave
Innumerable blessings and forgave
Me through the worth of all that Christ has done.
I love the Father since He deigned to run
To welcome me as one brought from the grave;
I love Him since He wished to bless and save:
He blessed me in His well-beloved One.

Considering the graciousness that brought
My soul to Christ, whence I will never drift,
I love the Father for what He has wrought.

I love the Father for He makes me lift
My heart in praise, considering the thought
Christ has me from the Father as a gift.

Monday, 24 November 2014


What grace of the Father
To invest me
With the Best Robe -
The measure of Christ's worth.

Who else but God
Could nourish me with
Exotic cuisine:
The Bread of God?

Love in the Giver;
Love in the Gift -
Each, the Lord and the Spirit,
God personally.

Sunday, 23 November 2014


Jehovah Elohim
To be a clothes-maker
To cover Man's nakedness.

The God of glory
Condescended to give
His recalcitrant prophet Elijah
Two breakfasts.

And the Rock - smitten once -
Was prepared to be
The nation of Israel's

Friday, 21 November 2014


First, Ararat - God had established
New ground for man; then that mountain
Where He demonstrated the principle
Of sacrifice; at Horeb was founded
New covenant ground; and Zion showed
Mercy's sovereign rights; best things
Of the ancient mountains. But now
Christ is recognised in the mountain
Of legislation; is signified as Son
On the transfiguration mount; while from the great
And high mountain the assembly glory
Shines in its serenity: the precious
Things of the everlasting hills.

Thursday, 20 November 2014


Awake, my soul, and sing the praise
Of Christ, who lives to endless days,
The Son of God who died for me
In love and wisdom's glorious ways.

He who was rich and glorious
Came into poverty for us
And took my burdens, being thus
The Son of God who died for me.

The Son of God who died for me
Rose through His own inherent right
And through the Faher's rich delight
To justify me in God's sight.

Soon in the clouds I shall behold
The Son of God who died for me
And glories that cannot be told
In all their splendour shall unfold.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Divine resources
Beyond creation - deployed
To reach God's purpose.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014


When first the Father's voice was heard
The tenor of His words referred
To His beloved Son,
And when again me heard His voice
It told who made His heart rejoice:
The same exalted One.

Monday, 17 November 2014


My mother read of Jesus
In our black Bible book;
I heard of His compassions,
And sympathetic look.

My father read of Jesus
Who came to clear men's sin
Once in the course of ages
To make us clear within.

The preachers told of Jesus,
Descended from above,
Who came to deal with sorrows
In His descending love.

His people spoke of Jesus
Upon the Father's throne;
They praised and sang and worshipped
Because they were His own.

At length I came to know Him -
Compassion was for me;
For me He came from glory,
For me endured the tree.

For me He has ascended
To sit at God's right hand;
For me He sent the Spirit
That I might understand.

For me He has provided
A company of saints;
For me His ear is open -
He listens to my plaints.

The stories about Jesus
Are wonderful and true,
But do you know His sorrows
Were undergone for you?

The glorious love of Jesus
Is always fresh and new;
It warms the hearts of many -
But is it known by you?

We know God gave to Jesus
The place that is His due
But now He seeks the first place
Within your heart, from you.

The Lord is coming for me,
And all who are His own,
To take us to be with Him
And with Him share His throne.

Will you be one who answers
His great assembling cry?
Will you be waiting, ready
To live with Him on high?

Sunday, 16 November 2014


His place is above
And the place of the Christian
Is above "in Him".

Saturday, 15 November 2014


"Be not afraid!" His voice falls clear and still
Upon our ear;
Though boisterous winds and seas may seek to fill
Our hearts with fear.
But why should winds and rolling waves appal?
He walks, in heavenly light, above them all.

Now, Lord, attract our hearts to walk with Thee,
And bid us come!
Above the waves, in victory, Lord, to be
With Thee at home;
To find in Thee a sure and safe retreat,
The world and Satan's power beneath our feet.

With firm and steady step to take our stand
Close by Thy side;
To feel the touch of Thine own loving hand,
Whate'er betide.
And soon, the day will break and storms will cease,
A morn without a cloud, unbroken peace.

From"The Songs of the Lord", by T Willey.

Thursday, 13 November 2014


It was God's purpose that He should secure
A universe that satisfied His heart,
And He has operated to ensure
Christ is its Head - yet men may have their part.

And if we are to enjoy the privilege
God had in mind before the world began
It only can be as our hearts engage
In more communion with the heavenly Man;

And if we are to be for God's delight
And have our blessings firmly in our grip
We must be those whose pathways are in light,
Finding in it the joys of fellowship.

But if I laxly let my light grow dim
Or outward pressure terrify, or shock,
We know God's purpose is secure in Him,
And that His church is founded on the rock.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014


For the Lord shall stand
And He shall provide
In Jehovah's strength,
In God's majesty
And His dignity.
And they shall abide
For He is, at length
Lord throughout the land.

Micah 5: 4

Tuesday, 11 November 2014


As you are reading
A Man is before the Father's face
And He's there for you.

Monday, 10 November 2014


Galiliee - where divine light
Beamed around men
In the person of Christ.

Gennesaret - where He stood,
Or took ship, or commanded the fishing,
To sinful man's best advantage.

Gadara - to which He ventured
Through the waves and the winds
To tame one wildness.

Gethsemane - where the offering,
Tested by water, was proved
To be fit for the sacrifice.

Golgotha - where man's malice
Ran out fully, and where God's justice
Exacted its own satisfaction.

Galilee - where a risen Man
Met His disciples, received homage,
And gave His constant promise.

Sunday, 9 November 2014


He had worn a coat
of many colours ...

the blue
witness of heaven ...

the purple
the imperial right ...

the green
freshness in drought ...

the scarlet
royalty ...

the gold
divine suitability ...

the false woman would seize
the slave's garment, for

He had been in bondman's form,
and, in it, caused prosperity ...

He would descend to prison garments
- and leave them - and

He was arrayed at the Sovereign's will
In purest whiteness,

His neck adorned with gold,
His hand decked with
The Sovereign's ring.