Monday 3 November 2014


Advancing, undaunted,
Jesus, portrayed by John,
Faced down the Pharisees,
Faced Pilate, went forth - to
Golgotha - bearing the cross; lion
Turning not aside for any.

But Mark shows Him advancing
In service; forthright still
For God's will and men's blessing,
Bound to bondmanship, caring,
Doing all things well - one
Girt in the loins.

Reverting to prayer, reverting,
As custom, to the mount of Olives
He went - in Luke's account -
Separated from sinners, yet for them,
With the stately step right
For the he-goat.

On the royal line,
Legally and morally, goes
In divinely chosen comeliness
Through Matthew's account: a king -
Then, now, and coming - against whom
None can rise up.

1 comment:

I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!