Saturday, 18 December 2010


We baptised Ingrid
In the Name of a Person
Who is out of death.


  1. There wa s much rejoicing in Heaven at this.

  2. Hi! Thanks for the visit! I REALLY like your short little verses that I'm seeing here. Your profile "about me" is a blessing! I'll be coming back for sure.
    So you published on Lulu? I'm about to put one of my publications there. I already have the account set up, etc. Do you recommend it? I'll check out your "Blessings" there asap.
    God's blessings to you and your household.

  3. Maxine,
    Thanks for comment and visit.

    I think it depends what you want from Lulu. I haven't sold more than one book but bought enough to distribute among family and friends. If that's what you want it's fine. If you really want to sell you need to make more effort than I did. You need to get others to give you good star ratings and good reviews. I reckon most people trying to buy will check star ratings first. I've asked a few people to rate mine but no one has so far. (perhaps you could!)


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!