Friday, 24 June 2022




Seeking to reign where he should serve,

Judging God's Son, through fraud,

Gorging himself in sins, we see

What man has done to God.

They torture good, set evil free,

Flatter, seduce, or ban:

In their depravity we see

What man has done to man.

Blessing since earth was first begun,

Securing His own plan,

And giving His beloved Son -

What God has done for man!

Securing sons who gladly bow

To give eternal laud

We worship, seeing, even now,

What God has done for God!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, God is so giving, and worthy of all our worship.
    May many eyes be opened and turn back to Him and away from evil schemes of man.

    Beautiful photos and verse.
    Blessings and Shalom


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