Sunday, 10 May 2020

What is the path for us to go?

Path near Fala, Midlothian
I have been given a loan of the notebook of an old saint, now with Christ.  Among his notes is:

Thy Paths

O Lord, teach me thy paths:       Psalm 25: 4
Thy paths drop fatness:              Psalm 65: 11
Hold up my goings in thy paths: Psalm 17: 5

To this I have responded by some simple verse:


Make me to know Thy ways,
O Lord; teach me Thy paths;
For if I roam from Thee my days
Will be sad aftermaths.

Thy goodness crowns the year:
Thy paths drop fatness, Lord;
And walking with Thee, in Thy fear,
i strike a happy chord.

From paths of evil men
- Because I hear Thy lips –
I keep, and Thou dost hold, and then
My footstep never slips.


  1. Amen. Walk in the paths of the LORD. His ways are everlasting and all His paths are peace. Blessings.

  2. A beautiful truth, beautifully expressed.


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!