Wednesday, 31 July 2019


No one lived as Jesus lived

For He never once demurred
When He knew the Father's will;
Since His joy was to fulfil
All the details of God's word
No one lived as Jesus lived.

No one died as Jesus died
Since, despite the public shame,
He was shown to be God's Son;
And because His work was done
While He glorified God's name
No one died as Jesus died.

No one rose as Jesus rose
Since the glory of God's might
Brought Him scatheless from the grave;
Since He came with power to save
And emerged through His own right
No one rose as Jesus rose.

No one saves as Jesus saves,
For eternity and time,
To the uttermost extent;
Since in graciousness He went
To atone for every crime
No one saves as Jesus saves.

No one loves as Jesus loves
For He laid down His own life,
And He shed His blood for me;
Since He would not go out free
For His Master, children, wife
No one loves as Jesus loves.

(An old one re-posted)

Saturday, 27 July 2019


Stopping each time he passed that way to trace

God’s workmanship in river, tree and hill
The poet frequently renewed the thrill
Which toil and worry struggled to efface.
The horses which had pulled and stopped his chaise
Finally pulled his hearse; and they were still
As subject to their absent master’s will
When they arrived at that familiar place.

I have a Master who is absent, too -
In everything that I may say or do
Do those who know He is my Master find
That I am subject to my Master’s mind?
I can be thrilled with Him and can derive
From Him who, though now absent, is alive.

This refers to the poet and novelist sir Walter Scott: the view is here.

Tuesday, 23 July 2019


Paul’s fellow-traveller, he would have seen

Paul’s teaching, conduct, purpose, faith and light;

Among the fresh assemblies would have been

A sharer of Paul’s fatherly delight,

While as his fellow-worker he would share

His love, endurance and long-suffering:

Striving to conquer moments of despair

And finding Christ his help in everything.

But as Paul’s fellow-captive he endured

What Paul endured - the bondage and the storm -

Till by the grace of God he was secured

In safety - where Paul’s service made him warm.

Lord Jesus, help me till I hear Thy call

To move, and work - and be in bonds - with Paul.

Saturday, 13 July 2019


If you have died with Christ to this world’s features      (Colossians)

Why still submit to what mere men command?

If you are raised with Christ raise up your thinking

To what concerns the Man at God’s right hand.

If we hold fast the boldness and the hope                     (Hebrews)

We are the house of God, moved by the Son;

If we maintain assurance to the end

We are become companions of that One.

If you love Jesus you will keep His word                        (John)

And give the Father an abiding place;

If someone else abides till Jesus comes,

Leave that to Him, follow, and grow in grace.

A re-posting

Wednesday, 10 July 2019


Where the water flows,
A broad fertile river
Rich with food and oxygen,
The fish prosper; ye are truly
My disciples if
Ye abide in my word.

Where phloem and xylem
Convey both nutrients and moisture
From core to shoot, fruits fruit:
Abide in the
True Vine.

Breath in an atmosphere,
All freshness, all quickening,
Savoured with divine perfume:
As the Father has love me, I also
Have loved you:
Abide in my love.


Tuesday, 2 July 2019


So I did sit and eat the grand repast
      Which Love had kindly spread;
First love gave me roast lamb to break my fast,
      Adding unleavened bread
And bitter herbs; no other food surpassed
      The meal on which I fed!

And Love had brought me to His house of wine
      While Love became my banner:
The richness and variety was fine
      Because Love was the planner;
The apples and the raisin-cakes were mine
      And all served in Love's manner.

Love having drawn us till we would not roam,
      By Love's unfathomed art,
Asked, "Have you any food?"; we were at home
      And so we gave Love part
Of a broiled fish, and of a honey-comb,
      To satisfy Love's heart.

This is a reaction to the great George Herbert's poem Love (III):

Love bade me welcome. Yet my soul drew back
        Guilty of dust and sin.
But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slack
        From my first entrance in,
Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning,
        If I lacked any thing.

A guest, I answered, worthy to be here:
        Love said, You shall be he.
I the unkind, ungrateful? Ah my dear,
        I cannot look on thee.
Love took my hand, and smiling did reply,
        Who made the eyes but I?

Truth Lord, but I have marred them: let my shame
        Go where it doth deserve.
And know you not, says Love, who bore the blame?
        My dear, then I will serve.
You must sit down, says Love, and taste my meat:
        So I did sit and eat.