Thursday, 29 November 2018


Coming in to do God's will,
Before any deed was accomplished, He was
Beloved of Jehovah.

What was the Father's joy
To acclaim at the river or mountain,
"My beloved Son"!

And what His joy to take us
- Redemption being accomplished -
Into favour in the Beloved.

And the Spirit could designate
An assembly in God the Father
As "beloved of God".

Acacia wood endures.
Daniel purposed, prayed and prospered
To become "one greatly beloved".

Where Demas turned, all
Departed, there with Paul was
Luke. the beloved physician.

Leaning on Christ's bosom;
Enquiring, following, alert
To being loved
John remains to the end.

Old Bowenpally, 13/11/2018

Tuesday, 27 November 2018


Within a world where gods are flam and fraud
God has a people owning one true God.

Christ as the first Man heaven could approve
Displayed nobility in every move.

Disowned, forsake, laid within earth's dust
He rose again to justify the just.

The blood and water are sufficient cure
For evil, and to purify the pure.

And now God's heart rejoices as He sees
His lovely tents spread out like aloe-trees.

While His advancing people understand
The good report about God's promised land.

Vala Janu Hotel, Mumbai

Friday, 23 November 2018

GENESIS 43: 11

What can I bring from pastures maimed by drought
As God afflicts creation for my sake?
Reaching for faith and, vanquishing the doubt
Which every day would dry my soul I take
From lands which are inordinately sunny,
A little balsam and a little honey.

Since my surrounding country is laid waste,
My flocks are failing and my herds decline
What can I bring to suit his royal taste
And nostrils through the sorrow that is mine?
A little fragrance, touching as I come,
Carrying tragacanth and ladanum.

Savour, refinement, fragrance: all are good
For that grand Lord and his sublime estate;
He has abundance for man's need of food
What could I give to one that is so great?
Going in faith, through this world's ifs and buts
I come with almonds and pistacia-nuts.
