Friday, 29 April 2016


Thou art the Resurrection and the Life;
For Thee no intervention stayed the knife;
Thy victory acquired Goliath’s sword;
The Jordan’s waters fled at Thine accord.

We praise Thee, the Good Shepherd of the sheep;
We know that none can steal what Thou dost keep;
We thank for what Thou didst bear for us;
We thank for how Thou dost care for us.

We love to own that Thou art the Tue Vine;
As branches, we rejoice that we are Thine;
The fruit is perfect for the Father’s will;
Our fruit grows richly through the Father’s skill.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016


We greet the Dayspring from on high with gladness
Since He will bring a day that will not cease,
Dispel the night of sinfulness and sadness,
And lead our feet into the way of peace.

Monday, 25 April 2016


Deliverer from coming wrath;
Deliverer from Satan's might;
Deliverer from Satan's path;
Deliverer to day from night;
Thou art Deliverer from sin
Which, though defeated, works within.

Friday, 22 April 2016


O Covert from the storm,
Thine was a humble path;
And here in manhood's form
Though didst endure God's wrath.
The tempest broke on Thee;
Thou didst endure in grace
And as we trust Thee we
Have Thee as hiding-place.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016


Creator of the universe
What power belongs to Thee!
But Thou wast willing to traverse
Our world to set us free.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016


This is just to draw your attention to the magazine that I help to publish.  Current print copies are available by applying to me.  Earlier year articles are available here: A Word in its Season.

Grace be with you all

Monday, 18 April 2016


"Thou art the Christ", the Man whom God anointed,
As Thy disciples willingly confess;
Thou hast come here to be God's holy Servant
To work out His desires to save and bless.

We praise Thee as "the Christ of God", the Person
Whom God approved as in a servant's form;
What He has wrought in Thee secures an answer
For Thou art He who quieted the storm.

We would confess, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of
The living God", securing His delight;
All Thou hast suffered for has its foundation
In Christ, the Head of all the saints in light.

We cling to Thee: "we have believed and known that
Thou art the Holy One of God" whose voice
Tells of the wonders of God's operations
And causes hearts to worship and rejoice.

Mark 8: 29
Luke 9: 20
Matthew 16: 16
John 6: 69

Friday, 15 April 2016


Thou art the Corner-Stone;
Building from Thee alone
Will suit God's thought;
We answer as we see
Thy church derived from Thee:
"What hath God wrought!".

Wednesday, 13 April 2016


We praise Thee, "Man whose name is branch"
   From whom God gathers fruit;
Whom no typhoon or avalanche
   Of Satan can uproot;
And Thou shalt build God's temple where
   The truth of God is known
And thou shalt bear this glory there:
   A Priest upon a throne.

Zechariah 5: 12, 13

Monday, 11 April 2016


The heavenly chorus will rejoice
When Thy choice bride is at Thy side:
But now before us are the charms
Which Thou, the Bridegroom, dost provide.
The Bridegroom's face lights and delights;
The Bridegroom's grace arms and disarms;
The bridal chorus now unites
In answer to the Bridegroom's voice.

Thursday, 7 April 2016


Thou art the Bread of God,
Of heavenly origin,
Yet Thou hast kindly trod
Within our world of sin;
To meet our needs and mend our strife
Because Thou art the Bread of Life.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016


We bless Thee, the Beginning
Of all that suits God's mind:
A sphere unmarked by sinning,
Where all things are refined;
For Thou art, in perfection,
The source, and root, and spring,
A Man in resurrection
To whom Thy saved ones sing!

Sunday, 3 April 2016


Thee, the Beloved, we honour with deep adoration;
Worthy art Thou of the height of thy great exaltation:
Favoured in Thee
We, thy beloved ones see,
What gave thy God delectation.

This goes to "Victory", etc.  See


Friday, 1 April 2016


Thy holiness in more than Aaron's holiness:
It is Thine attribute, because of who Thou art;
Thy lowliness is more than Moses' lowliness
As here in blood and flesh, in which Thou didst 'take part'.

This is a side-shoot of the present line of thinking.