Saturday, 28 February 2015


2 Samuel 11
Having betrayed his faithful warrior's trust
Both David's soul and intellect were dark;
He sought to hide the product of his lust
So that the birth would pass without remark.

Urijah's instincts swerved him from that tissue
Of plotting through devotion to the ark.

Fidelity will not confuse the issue.

Friday, 27 February 2015


1 Kings 21
Heaven records, but may not intervene:
As when king Ahab showed that he was bent
On gaining Naboth's vineyard, and the queen
Jezebel worked to further that intent.

Naboth, defiant to a tyrant's rage,
Said, as he scorned a tyrant's blandishment,

"I will not sell my father's heritage"

Wednesday, 25 February 2015


Their hatred made the lords of Israel fling
The prophet Jeremiah in a pit,
In mud, till Ebed-melech moved the king
To let him draw the prophet out of it.

Since this was something that God loved to see
His word declared an honour that was fit

"For thou hast put thy confidence in me"!

Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Judges 4
Sisera, finding flight expedient,
Reached Jael, and so fled the battles's clamour;
She gave him milk; he slept within the tent:
She took the tent-pin and the workman's hammer.

She smote his temple - for God had decreed
His death would not enhance a warrior's glamour.

Her hands were practiced for the time of need.

Monday, 23 February 2015


2 Kings 22

After they found the writings of the law
Why did they seek Huldah the prophetess,
Who trenchantly expressed what she foresaw
In consequence of their unrighteousness?

She said Josiah's death would have occurred
Before apart from his heart's tenderness.

A woman close to God thus brought God's word.

Sunday, 22 February 2015


Numbers 22

Three times the angel stood in Balaam's way;
Three times the ass saved from the wrath to come,
And three times Balaam smote it; it could say
It had not earned Balaam's opprobrium.

It wisely spoke sufficient words to teach
The prophet, and was then, as wisely, dumb.

The silent time exceeds the time for speech.

Saturday, 21 February 2015


For Rosie

We can see ourselves as
A pair of asses

- For each, like an ass, has been
By a perfect Lamb.

A pair -
Not ploughing with
An ox and an ass together.

And like Balaam's
Ready to speak well -
If by a miracle!

Alert for the time
When, specially,
The Lord has need of us;

But bearing, daily,
As we find grace,
Abigail to her Husband.

Friday, 20 February 2015


As Christ advanced to agony and woe
To bear my sins and for my sins atone
God's will ensured some recompense before:
Regally seated upon an ass's colt
Meekly towards Jerusalem He rode
Accompanied by crowds whose voices rose:
In acclamation they honoured and extolled.
They cried "Hosannah!", His status thus being owned,
The Son of David whom God will have enthroned.
They called on Zion to hearken and behold.
Had Pharisees ensured these mouths were closed
God would have drawn responses from the stones.

Thursday, 19 February 2015


Exodus 13 v 13
Only an ass -
But a firstborn
One who has been redeemed
By a Lamb.
Luke 19 v 31
Only as ass -
But ready to be led
When the word comes,
"The Lord has need of it".
Numbers 22 v 28
Only an ass -
Dumb; dumber the better
Till the moment
When God gives speech.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015


The world's Creator
Asking a poor woman for
A drink of water!

Monday, 16 February 2015


For the Lord shall stand
And He shall provide
In Jehovah's strength,
In God's majesty
And His dignity.
And they shall abide
For He is, at length,
Lord throughout the land.

Micah 5: 4

Saturday, 14 February 2015


           (Micah 7: 9)

Though my soul is dwelling in night
And my sins and sorrows depress
"He will bring me forth to the light"
For the Lord rejoices to bless.

When my heart is full of dismay
With the evil flesh will incite
The Deliverer's grace makes my way:
"He will bring me forth to the light".

"He will bring me forth to the light"
When the world around me is dim;
For Christ's love is constantly bright
And He sets my view upon Him.

If to sleep through Him is His will
May I face that brink without fright
For I know His keeping until
"He will bring me forth to the light".

Friday, 13 February 2015


(Micah 7: 9)

Done with my filthy rags
And my figleafs, clad
In His best: I shall behold
His righteousness.

Grace swaddled me; grace
Had removed my stain: through grace
I shall behold His

Doubts attack; the mind
Discredits; faith struggles.
And the word assures - I
Shall behold His righteousness.

What a day when the world,
Blind now, will wonder at
The sight: all veils removed I shall
Behold His righteousness.

But eternally, because
God saw righteousness accomplished
In the cross of Christ
I shall behold His righteousness.

Thursday, 12 February 2015


(Micah 5 v 5)

And this Man shall be peace
For this is God’s delight;
He sees Man perfectly
In Christ who shall hold sway;
When all things shall be right
And this Man shall be peace.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015


(Micah 5: 5)
If you are thirled to sin
And longing for release
Open your heart to let Christ in,
"And this man shall be Peace".

Temptations may assail,
Or doubts within increase:
Trust in the One who will not fail:
"And this man shall be Peace".

Soon He shall have His Bride
Without one taint or crease,
To reign in glory by His side
"And this man shall be Peace".

Tuesday, 10 February 2015


(Chap 7: 18)

“Who is a God like unto thee?”; our souls
Bow to the God who blesses and forgives;
Each one who knows His graciousness extols
The only One through whom their spirit lives.

God's will desired that all His saints should be
Within His presence in the grace He gives
To say, “Who is a God like unto thee?”

This concludes the "Thoughts on Micah", though I may find other thoughts on Micah!

Monday, 9 February 2015


(Chap 7: 9)

“I shall behold his righteousness” in One
Who walked a righteous path; and who has proved
God's righteousness upon the cross: God's Son,
By whom the power of sin will be removed.

And in the multitude who God will bless,
As both His purpose and His grace behoved,
Through Christ “I shall behold his righteousness”.

Friday, 6 February 2015


(Chap 7: 8)

My enemy, do not gloat over me:
Although I fall I shall arise. My eyes
Shall see the light because the Lord shall be
A light to me. You will not seize His prize.

Since He has taken my iniquity,
Through grace, although I fall, I shall arise;
Do not gloat over me, my enemy.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015


(Chap 6: 8)

O man, the Lord has shewn you what is good
And what the Lord requires of you. He sought
Those who were just, loved mercy, and pursued
The humble pathway with Him, as He taught.

Think of the blessedness that will ensue
With Him! O man, the Lord has shewn you what
Is good and what the Lord requires of you.

Sunday, 1 February 2015


(Chap 5: 5)

Rejoice - “for this man shall be peace” within
The hearts of those who call upon His Name;
For them He bore God's wrath for every sin,
While He endured the agony and shame.

Soon they will answer to the heavenly voice,
Then reign with Him when He asserts His claim
To earth “for this man shall be peace”; rejoice.