Thursday 23 February 2012


As Christ goes out to view
The garden's fruit
To see the verdure of the valley
And find Himself anew
The joys His bride can contribute,
To dally
Blest Spirit it is Thou who dost provide
The dignity and freshness of the bride.

It was a lowly place
That Thou didst take
To bring us thus for God's own pleasure
In the divine embrace
Securing for Another's sake
His treasure
But only since divinity is Thine
Canst Thou accomplish God's supreme design.

We own Thy majesty
And worship Thee
The One by whom the worlds were garnished
Who labours every day
Till every son, drawn near, should be
And suited to the Father, while each one
Knows in his heart the Spirit of God's Son.

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I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!