Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Those the Father has
He delights to provide as
A gift to the Son.

Monday, 30 May 2011


Though He is distinct
The Son rejoices to share
The place of sonship.

Sunday, 29 May 2011


Christ loves me so much
He is glad to share with me
Everything He can.

Saturday, 28 May 2011


Awake, my soul, and sing the praise
Of Christ, who lives to endless days,
The Son of God who died for me
In love and wisdom's glorious ways.

He who was rich and glorious
Came into poverty for us
And took my burdens, being thus
The Son of God who died for me.

The Son of God who died for me
Rose through His own inherent right
And through the Father's rich delight
To justify me in God's sight.

Soon in the clouds I shall behold
The Son of God who died for me
And glories that cannot be told
In all their splendour shall unfold.

Friday, 27 May 2011


My mother read of Jesus
In our black Bible book;
I heard of His compassions,
And sympathetic look.

My father read of Jesus
Who came to clear men's sin
Once in the course of ages
To make us clear within.

The preachers told of Jesus,
Descended from above,
Who came to deal with sorrows
In His descending love.

His people spoke of Jesus
Upon the Father's throne;
They praised and sang and worshipped
Because they were His own.

At length I came to know Him -
Compassion was for me;
For me He came from glory,
For me endured the tree.

For me He has ascended
To sit at God's right hand;
For me He sent the Spirit
That I might understand.

For me he has provided
A company of saints;
For me His ear is open -
He listens to my plaints.

The stories about Jesus
Are wonderful and true,
But do you know His sorrows
Were undergone for you?

Thursday, 26 May 2011


There is forgiveness
With God that He may be feared -
And that fear preserves.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


We've come to Zion -
Christ risen, mercy active,
A city founded.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011


(In memory of an aged sister)

One who had answered to the Saviour’s call,
“Come unto me…and I will give you rest”
Took up the yoke of Him who served us all,
As many whom she worked for can attest.
As Martha served, she served, but now is blessed
In dying “in the Lord”.  This is reserved
For her and all who serve Him: they shall rest,
But God will not forget that they have served.

For those she loved and served most, who are left,
The Man who is of meek and lowly heart
Tells them - as when He was Himself bereft
Of one He loved - “Come ye yourselves apart
Into a desert place and rest a while” -
To learn His touch, and sympathetic smile.

(In case you read this Craig - a great aunt of yours.)

Monday, 23 May 2011


Where I was lost - famished
By need - I have received

A sinner in heart and hand
I have been granted

In the Son of God's love
And the worth of His blood, I have

Peace has been made - by the blood of
His cross - so that I know

He who has gone into death
Has been raised again for my

Though my iniquity was great
God has righteously given

Resources beyond creation
Were deployed to assure for me

Where there was turmoil of soul
And mind - the work of God brought

All for me,in famine or plenty,
From His limitless supply,

From the heart of God, through Christ
And His work, I enjoy,

Another look at reasons for being a Christian.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Friday, 20 May 2011


How good the Lord is
For hedging my pathway from
The ways of the world.

Thursday, 19 May 2011


Nothing on the earth
Could be more fascinating
Than the work of God.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011


In resurrection
Christ has what's bone of His bone
And flesh of His flesh.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


In the evening sky
God displays for our pleasure
His palette of blues.

Monday, 16 May 2011


I was lost and Jesus sought me;
Since I was enslaved He bought me;
   In His presence I have rest;
   In His service I am blest.

I was lost, and Jesus found me,
Freed me from sins' chains that bound me,
   Brought me safely to the inn,
   Blessed, and gave me joy within.

I was lost, and Jesus saved me
From the habits that enslaved me:
   With Him near I have release;
   Near Himself I learn His peace.

Sunday, 15 May 2011


Because the Shepherd
Knowing the depths of my need
Gave Himself for me;

Because the Shepherd
In His goodness carried me
On His own shoulders;

Because the Spirit
Has shone around me darkness
The light of God's Word;

Because the Spirit
Has swept the house carefully
Until He found me.

Because the Father
ran to give me a welcome,
Embraced, and kissed me.

Because I am clothed
In the Best Robe that God has
The worth of Christ.

Because I've been given
The token of divine love
A ring on my hand.

Because I now wear
The dignity that God gives,
Sandals on my feet.

Because I can share
The feast on the fatted calf:
God's thoughts of His Son.

Because God in grace
Desires to give me a place
In the Father's house.

This follows on from Amrita's post with the same title.

Saturday, 14 May 2011


We often sing the line
“Father, to Thee we now draw near”,
Yet freshly thrill to find God thought this blessing should be mine,
And even more to apprehend it is  to satisfy God’s heart that we are here.
We do not come alone -
“With Christ the Firstborn to appear”.
Each one has been a living stone drawn to the Corner Stone -
The Son who gives the character to all  that has its part in God’s eternal sphere.

Since we are now His sons
“The double portion we enjoy”;
He chose us before time was to draw us near as heavenly ones;
The Father gave His Spirit in our hearts  which, in His presence makes our spirits buoy.

And now we know a place
“Where endless praise our lips employ”;
Warmed by paternal love as brought here by transcendent grace,
We magnify the Father’s glorious Name  within a place where sin cannot alloy,

“And ‘Abba Father’ cry”.

You will find the hymn that I am quoting throughout at: http://www.hidwithhim.net/hymn/?hymn=130

Friday, 13 May 2011



Galiliee - where divine light
Beamed around men
In the person of Christ.

Gennesaret - where He stood,
Or took ship, or commanded the fishing,
To sinful man's best advantage.

Gadara - to which He ventured
Through the waves and the winds
To tame one wildness.

Gethsemane - where the offering,
Tested by water, was proved
To be fit for the sacrifice.

Golgotha - where man's malice
Ran out fully, and where God's justice
Exacted its own satisfaction.

Galilee -  where a risen Man
Met His disciples, received homage,
And gave His constant promise.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Amid the sadness
God has been pleased to give us
Moments of laughter.

This refer to the fact that the year in which I was counting these blessings was the year in which my sister-in-law's terminal illness was diagnosed.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


What is as great as
The sight of His face? - Only
The sound of His voice.

Monday, 9 May 2011


There's a route to work
By the hill and the valley
Radiant with gorse.

Sunday, 8 May 2011


He who could call Himself, "I AM"
Was seen in meekness as God's Lamb.

Saturday, 7 May 2011


Sin left me like a battered reed;
Sin wounded me, and made me bleed;
But mercy answered all my need
For which I thank the Lord!

Grace touched me, though my flame had ceased;
Grace lifted me upon His beast;
Grace graced with clothes to fit a priest
For which I thank the Lord!

Love chose, before time had begun;
Love challenged all my foes - and won!
And graced me with the place of son
For which I thank the Lord!

(Hyderabad 8 September 2007)

Friday, 6 May 2011


Christians know the Son,
And the Spirit, and the church
Of the living God.

Thursday, 5 May 2011


If Christ comes today
What a blessing - but, if not,
Hope's a blessing too.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


Will the Father name
The Name of Jesus to make
The universe bow?

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


"Do you think God is
Going to do anything
Now, save through the Son?”

Monday, 2 May 2011


(Prince William returns to duty as a Helicopter search and rescue pilot today.)

Desperate, in the water,
Death surrounding and chilling you
Any rescue will do.

You will be glad of those
Searchers and rescuers
Hovering over you.

Steady from above
Come the strong arms
To haul to safety.

Then, in warmth and safety,
Rejoice to find your Rescuer
Is a Prince.

Rejoice that this is the experience
Of every believer
On the Lord Jesus!

Sunday, 1 May 2011


The love of the Christ,
Beyond our comprehension,
We may apprehend.