Friday 7 January 2011


Oh what will it be to see Jesus
The Man who enraptures my heart?
I'll gaze on His face
And drink in His grace
And know I will never depart.

In mercy and grace He has saved me
Enduring both darkness and pain;
In sorrow and loss
He died on the cross
That I might have pleasure and gain.

He gives me the sense of His presence
And cheers me with touches of love
But soon it will be
With joy I will see
My Saviour as with Him above.

Oh what will it be to see Jesus
And gaze on His face evermore
To find in that sight
Eternal delight:
To worship, admire and adore!

Here are the words - I've posted them before, but i think I'll be into repeats in a few weeks' time.  If anyone can set my attempt at song-making in harmony I'd be delighted .

1 comment:

  1. dear david...just reading this hymn makes me so homesick for heaven...oh to see that lovely face and just to know that i will never disappoint him again!
    thank you david..
    christian love...terry


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!