Thursday 13 May 2010


Peter might learn his sin and be distraught
Admitting that the Saviour should withdraw,
Yet at that moment he owned that Christ was Lord.
Saul might be smashed while battling against God,
Ravaging those Christ purchased at such cost,
Yet at that moment he owned that Christ was Lord.
Till as time passed Peter could grandly talk
About his Master that He is Lord of all.
And Paul would teach that man's salvation was
To own Christ risen confessing Him as Lord,
While God will act that all things should record
The glorious fact that Jesus Christ is Lord.


  1. David,

    Great post that shows how alike we are with the amazing men of the Bible.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  2. we serve our Risen Lord. Amen


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!