Sunday 20 September 2009


As the disciples followed Him through the fields
The presence of the Lord made them so free
They plucked the wheat and having rubbed the ears
Had liberty to choose the good and eat
The strictures of the carping Pharisees
Were met by Christ who spoke of David's need
And how he took the shewbread from the priest.
Thus Christ announced the message of release
That He had come to foster and to preach,
Which His own rights and sorrows would achieve.
Lord of the Sabbath establishing our peace
He left the Pharisees to taste defeat.

This begins another wave of laises of "Touching the King". Others, of the total of 120, will follow in due course - if the Lord will. They have the tag TTK

1 comment:

  1. Christ came to set us free. He is the Lord of the Sabbath...the Lord of everything.

    People think by their intellect and education they can call the shots, but the day of judgement will reveal all.


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!