Wednesday 9 October 2024


Their hatred made the lords of Israel fling
The prophet Jeremiah in a pit,
In mud, till Ebed-melech moved the king
To let him draw the prophet out of it.

Since this was something that God loved to see
His word declared an honour that was fit

"For thou hast put thy confidence in me"!


Sunday 6 October 2024


Heaven records, but may not intervene:
As when king Ahab showed that he was bent
On gaining Naboth's vineyard, and the queen
Jezebel worked to further that intent.
Naboth, defiant to a tyrant's rage,
Said, as he scorned a tyrant's blandishment,
"I will not sell my fathers' heritage"

A view towards Edinburgh Castle from the south.
The square in Dalkeith Country Park in winter


Thursday 3 October 2024


Three times the angel stood in Balaam's way;
Three times the ass saved from the ill to come;
And three times Balaam smote it.  She could say
She had not earned Balaam's opprobrium.
wisely spoke sufficient words to teach
The prophet and was then, as wisely, dumb.

The silent time exceeds the time of speech.

Sunday 29 September 2024


How many realised as Enoch trod
A separate way through earth's fresh thorn and thistle
It was because his was a walk with God?
Did such a path of faith make sinners bristle?
God gave the word to answer men's complaints,
Resounding to us still from Jude's epistle:
The Lord will come with myriads of His saints!

Urijah, posted last week, is a reposting of half sonnets on scriptural heroes and heroines; I thought I'd gradually repost the others.

Winter sunset over the Firth of Forth.

Sunday 22 September 2024


Having betrayed his faithful warrior's trust
Both David's soul and intellect were dark;
He sought to hide the product of his lust
So that the birth would pass without remark.
Urijah's instincts swerved him from that tissue
Of plotting through devotion to the ark.

Fidelity will not confuse the issue.

The Firth of Forth near Bo'ness in winter

Sunday 15 September 2024


Into the den

Two foot-trails, lion and man.

Man's only outward.

One spear in the battle

An imposing Egyptian's; the staff-wielder

Turned it against him.

Thus Benaiah could lear

The runners,

And the king's guard.

Such a man would,

To a usurper,

Be a reject.

Such a man could be

Partner in action

To a priest and a prophet.

Such a man could partner

With a priest and prophet

To enthrone a king.

And in a fresh kingdom,

Freed from Joab's reproach,

Lead the king's host.

17 August 2024


I didn't want to be in Doha; my flight from Edinbugh to Doha was delayed, and I was stuck there for about eighteen hours.  

Wednesday 7 August 2024


[This is an edited version of a preaching which I gave recently in Grimsby; I trust that putting it here will be for blessing.  I would be glad of any response.] 

Romans 3: 21-25 (to “blood”)

Ephesians 1: 6 (from “the Beloved”), 7

Colossians 1: 14 

I trust the Lord with give me help to speak about redemption.  It is a wonderful fact that God has presented salvation to us, but that salvation is one that depends on redemption.  And as we see in each of these cases, it speaks of redemption as in Christ Jesus, in whom is our redemption.  Redemption accomplished: how wonderful the work of Christ in accomplishing redemption!  But how wonderful that the redemption is in Him.  We know the need.  I trust everyone here knows the need; I feel that it is a responsibility in preaching that we should preach to present salvation, preach without any presumption regarding anyone who is under the sound of the word.  The word should go out as a challenge indeed to every soul here.  Do you know this?  Are you in the benefit of it?  Are you in the blessing of it redemption, “being justified freely by his grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus”? 

But what does redemption mean?  It means firstly that there is a right: God has a right to you.  Think of Him, the Creator.  The Creator of the universe has a right to you, a right to your attention, a right to your subjection, a right that you should fulfil His will and His word.  And what has your history been?  What has my history been?  It is one in which the only conclusion can be, “for there is no difference”, no difference between you and me.  No doubt there are different sins, or different degrees of sinning, but the final point is “there is no difference; for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”.  You cannot put yourself on an elevated platform compared to the most wicked sinner in the world.  You cannot say that you have a right to salvation, or that you have a right to the presence of God, or that you have a right to eternity with God, on the ground of anything whatsoever that you have done.  You are a sinner, and I am a sinner through and through.  It is the character of mankind, it is the activity of mankind, sinners, and there is no answer in us and no difference.  There is no remedy apart from Christ, blessed remedy. 

What a full and blessed remedy there is in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.  What did it require if you were to come into blessing?  It required that wonderful activity in redemption that you, the sinner, with no rights, who has gone against the rights of God, should be affected by the glad tidings of His grace.  For that, Christ had to go into the depths, had to take up the challenge, had to take up everything that is necessary in order that you should come into blessing.  He has done it; He has done it all.  How wonderful that we can preach the glad tidings on the ground that Christ has done it all.  He has paid the price; redemption's price is paid.  

Hark to the wondrous story,

Redemption's price is paid.  (Hymn 332)

Can anyone ask or demand anything further? 

But what a price it was.  What a price it was, “the redemption of their soul is costly, and must be given up forever”, Ps 49: 8.  Think of the blessedness of the fact that the Lord Jesus was prepared to pay the fullest and the greatest price in the shedding of His precious blood.  How wonderful: redemption's price is paid.  How wonderful that everything that would challenge God has been dealt with in the fulness and the blessedness of the work of the Lord Jesus: “being justified freely by his grace”, everything from the side of grace.  The grace of God is towards you.  We are in a period that is called the dispensation of grace.  That does not simply mean a time of grace: it is a whole administration of grace towards man.  And it is flowing towards you and it is flowing towards me tonight in the blessedness of the glad tidings.  It is wonderful to have such an administration of grace: it is flowing towards you in all your need.  I suppose we could all say we have some need.  Whatever the need is it is answered in the grace of God in its fulness, because the price has been paid in its fulness for redemption. 

And where was it paid?  It was paid at the cross.  What was the great transaction at the cross?  That is where the Saviour took up every liability of mine.  That is where He bore all my sins in their totality.  The sins I know, and the sins I have forgotten, the sins I may think little of, and perhaps some I may appreciate the reality of: every one, Jesus knows them.  He knows every one of my sins far better than I know them, because He bore every one of them and He has taken away the charge of them.  And the redemption that is in Christ Jesus is that full witness that everything that could be charged against me in the sight of God has been removed.  How blessed that is.  I know it for myself, unchallengeably, and the blood of Jesus as shed is a witness to that.  How wonderful that is.  You need to know it yourself and to grow in the knowledge of it, to increase in appreciation of such a love, such a grace, the grace of God would flow towards you because of redemption. 

But then He has not only come to rescue you from your lost condition, He has come to attach you to a Person, and that is what the gospel would do to you.  There is a Man for your heart here, so that Paul speaks of it in that way, the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.  There He is at the Father's right hand, glorified as we delighted to speak of earlier.  There He is, glorified and anointed by the Father, “crowned with glory and honour” (Heb 3: 9), blessed in every way, given the fullest, richest, greatest accolade that divine giving could bestow upon Him.  And your redemption is in Him, and your blessing is in Him, and your knowledge of God is in Him, and you have a Man for your heart because of the wonder and the blessedness of that wonderful One. 

“Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, whom God has set forth a mercy-seat, through faith in his blood”.  Wonderful blood of Jesus.  How much does the blood of Jesus mean to you?  Think of its preciousness to God, the fulness of it, while it is an object of faith for you.  How wonderful to think of the blood of Jesus, an object of faith, “through faith in his blood”.  It is the answer to your need; it is the answer to the charge against you.  It is used of course in so many ways; it is referred to in scripture in so many ways.  There is the price, as we are speaking of it in redemption, redemption's price is paid.  And the blood can wash away your sins, the blood of the covenant that gives that liberty that is in the divine mind for you.  It is wonderful to think of the fulness and the blessedness of the blood of Jesus.  That blood, of course, was blood that flowed from the side of One who had gone into death.  He died.  Why did he die?  He died for you.  He died because you are a sinner.  He died because you needed somebody to take on that penalty.  He died so that you should come into the fulness of the blessing.  Redemption is in the precious blood of Jesus, and that is the eternal witness to the fact that there is One who has died, who has gone into death, His blood no longer in His body.  What a witness it was, what a witness to the completeness of the work!  Do you value it?  Do you appreciate it, and has it attached you to the Man so that you know what it is, “the redemption which is in Christ Jesus”?  God sets Him forth in the gospel as a mercy-seat, as a place of approach to God, and the place where God would approach you; and the mercy-seat was where God was satisfied.  The blood was put upon the mercy-seat, and God looked upon it and He was satisfied.  He has satisfied entirely with the work of Jesus and we have that in Him. 

God is satisfied with Jesus,

We are satisfied as well.    (Hymn 410)

You are to be satisfied in Him.  Have you found the Lord Jesus as the source of your satisfaction?  Redemption not only having rescued you, redemption not only having secured you as the children of Israel were secured from Egypt by the work of redemption as it was presented then, but brought to Him, attached to Him, led by Him, having everything in Him, the One who is of such great attraction to the heart of God.

And that is what was in mind in reading these other two verses.  The Beloved - who is He?  It is the Beloved “in whom we have redemption”.  It is secured in Him, the One who has done all the work, the One who has gone into the grave too, the One who is risen, the One who is ascended at God's right hand: God has given Him the greatest title.  What a wonderful title is “the Beloved”.  The Beloved, the One who satisfies the heart of God, who rejoices the heart of God.  I suppose in this scene He was always the Beloved.  God looked upon Him as He walked the pathway of perfection.  God looked upon him as He walked the pathway of His will.  But now God looks upon Him and has shown to us in the Scriptures that He is the One: He is the Beloved.  But we read yesterday that scripture about a beloved.  There was someone knowing this, there in the Song of Songs 5.  We find a beloved.  Assuredly, He was God’s Beloved.  Has he become your beloved?  You can see He is the assembly's beloved, and unique and glorious and perfect.  A beloved who is “more than another beloved”, more than anyone else that can be presented to God's view, more than anyone else that can be presented to the assembly's view. 

How about you?  Do you see the One who is your beloved, and do you see Him as God's beloved, the Father's beloved?  How wonderful that this is the One, and it says, “in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of offences”.  You have offended.  Colossians says, “the forgiveness of sins”, sins, offences.  You have sinned and you have offended.  Where are you going to find the answer?  Where are you going to find the rescue?  Where are you going to find what there is in God's heart for you and the fulness of His blessing?  You are only going to find it in the Beloved.  You are only going to find it in “the Son of His love”.  But how wonderful and attractive that One, “the Beloved, in whom we have redemption through his blood” .  What it meant to the Father when the blood of Jesus was shed.  What it meant to Him, what a cost to God, what a thought for the Lord Jesus.  But what it was to God, His Beloved despised -

Hail!  Thou once despisèd Jesus. 

And you have despised Him at some stage.  I have despised Him at some stage, have not listened to His word, have not done what He required of me.  Well, grace is towards you.  Grace is towards you in the gospel.  And in that same despised Jesus, there is salvation - “in the Beloved: in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of offences”.  Wonderful to think your offences, your sins, forgiven.  Think of God looking upon you, looking upon me, and saying that is what you have offended in, the way in which you have offended.  It is forgiven.  It is not going to be raised again.  And it is righteously forgiven.  Men will pardon; men perhaps think that they could send forth a pardon to persons.  And they do it on other grounds, on unrighteous grounds.  And here God is pardoning you as a believer.  He has forgiven you entirely righteously in such a way that no one can charge you.  No one can charge you, because God has forgiven you.  How blessed, how beautiful, how simple it is that we are forgiven.  So we know how we can come before God in that way, in the enjoyment of the fact that we are forgiven sinners, with a redemption that is “in the Beloved”.  God has that One.  He has a redemption.  The Lord has been set forth by God as a redemption; Wonderful to find that it is all in Himself.  There was a work, a glorious work which has been done, but we have to be bound up with Himself.

So God would speak of Him in another way, in Colossians, as “the Son of his love”.  It was very interesting.  The Ephesians brings in the redemption through His blood: “in whom we have redemption through his blood”.  Colossians does not refer to that.  We know it.  It comes in later in the chapter and we know it is vital for it.  And we know it is essential to it.  But as has been said, redemption subsists in the worth of the Person, CAC vol 9 p265.  Redemption subsists in the worth of Christ, the Son of His love.  God has found Himself a Man who He has unreserved affection for.  And then having such a Man who is worthy of God's unreserved affection, He says, ‘You can come into the blessing of that.  You can have redemption in the Man who satisfies me, in the Man who delights my heart’. 

One of the blessed things about redemption is that we are awaiting the fulness of what is in mind in redemption.  It is all in Christ Jesus, and it is all secured, and it is all unchallengeable.  How blessed it is.  But then to live in this scene, to live in this life, we require divine power.  How could we live without divine power to sustain us while we remain here?  And how blessed that the Holy Spirit has been given.  But we read later in Ephesians 1 about the Holy Spirit: “Ye have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the earnest of our inheritance to the redemption of the acquired possession”, v 13, 14.  In Ephesians 4: 30 it says, “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with which ye have been sealed for the day of redemption”.  So there is a day that we are waiting for, a day of redemption in its fulness and in its blessedness.  I suppose that in its fulness this is the day of the Lord, the day of God.  How blessed that there will be a day of redemption where everything that is out of order in the scene is put right.  Thankfully, you can know what it is to be put right.  You can know what it is to be in the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.  But everything is going to be set right.  The scene in all its beauty will be flourishing under the hand of Lord Jesus.  He will be there in the day of redemption.  As receiving the Holy Spirit you are sealed for that, you have that seal of the Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is “to the redemption of the acquired possession”.  Think of that, that He has given the earnest of it, given the pledge of it in this present time.  What you are going to enjoy in the inheritance eternally, you have the pledge of now.  In ordinary things, if somebody gives you a pledge, the pledge is much less than the thing.  It is simply a token that you are going to enjoy something.  But God does not act like that: in the fulness of His grace, the pledge, the Earnest of what you are going to come into is a divine Person himself, the Holy Spirit of God.  And you are sealed by that.  And the believer can know what it is to have an anticipation of the fulness of God's thoughts in redemption because of the work of Christ and because too of the giving of the Holy Spirit. 

And then all the time we come back to “in whom we have redemption”; in Him, is a Person.  Remember the word of Job; it was quite remarkable what he should say in his time, “I know that my Redeemer liveth”, Job 19: 25.  You are looking for the Redeemer.  There is redemption, and there is a work, and all that is accomplished with every believer.  How much we need to be attached in heart to the Redeemer.  How wonderful that we know Him, as we go through times of sorrow and pressure at the moment, and brethren in particular sorrow.  How wonderful to think the matters are “to the redemption of the acquired possession”.

Another reference comes to mind in Romans 8, which speaks of “the redemption of our body”.  We think of what it is for a beloved brother who is now with Christ.  But then he is “awaiting adoption, that is the redemption of our body”.  All of us are.  But even as having entered into death, how wonderful to be awaiting the redemption of our body; so that that brother will rise; he will stand again.  How wonderful!  Man could not do that.  Nothing in the whole range and scope of human endeavour could raise a person.  I am thankful for the mercy that God has allowed that can maintain life with medication and so on, but here there is something that is going to rise again.  How wonderful!  There will be what will rise.  Life according to God includes redemption of the body in its fulness: free of all unsuitability for God, and free to enjoy His presence and a whole sphere as according to His mind.

I trust every one of us should be more firmly attached to Him, the Redeemer, more firmly attached to the Saviour, more firmly in the assurance that “he has taken us into favour in the Beloved: in whom we have redemption”.

May the Lord bless the word.



9th June 2024

Sunday 4 August 2024


(2 Samuel 15,16,17)

The fleeing monarch, after summiting
The mount, worships and prays; his friend appears,
Hushai; in the court of the false king
He must become his sovereign’s eyes and ears.
Hushai refutes the wise Ahithophel
And sends a message to the faithful pair
Of priests, who have performed their duties well,
Serving the Ark and David everywhere.
Their two sons bear the message to their lord
So that he has the counsel to withdraw
Across the river; trial of strength by sword
Could wait until the time that God foresaw.
Yet all depended on the word relayed
Through care and boldness by one faithful maid.


A visit to Cheshire