Sunday, 23 March 2025

DIVINE GRACE by Stanley Drever

 From the heights of glory the message comes

    Of how God has come near to men

For the worlds were made by the blessed One

    Who came into manhood then.

So in full devotion to God's own will

    Christ His beautiful pathway trod

Till His prayer, so poignant and moving, spoke

    Of His sacrifice to God.

And the One who died on that shameful tree

    At the place known as Calvary

Was the One who fashioned the starry sky - 

    Yet He gave Himself for me!

From the grave triumphant the Saviour came

    And ascended to God's right hand

Where He's given a name above every name - 

    Soon He'll greet His ransomed band!

Oh would you, friend, share in His glory there

    And there lay at His feet your crown?

Just surrender all to the Saviour's thrall - 

    He, for you, in grace, came down.

In His precious blood that was shed for sins

    Put your trust - learn His present love;

And repenting sinners communion keep

    Till we see His face above.

Stanley Drever, also now with Christ, was local in Calgary in Canada.

Still around Great Cumbrae, with the isle of Arran across the water.

Saturday, 15 March 2025

"GRACE UPON GRACE" by G Allan Brown

 "Grace upon grace" with constancy unceasing

Those mighty billows ever onward roll;

Their power and might and impulse ne'er decreasing

With joy and calm supreme o'erflood the soul.

"Grace upon grace" whate'er the trials around us,

Though desolate the vale of Baca be,

Fulness divine and endless grace surround us -

Compassed about by love's unmeasured sea.

O Lord, 'tis grace, Thy grace which now preserves us;

Its deep unplumbed our souls shall never know;

Yet this we know, that grace unceasing serves us

And keeps us near to Thee while here below.

We stand upon the fringe of that vast ocean,

'Tis here the breakers seem to stronger beat,

'Tis at the edge we feel the stronger motion,

'Tis here that grace our frailties doth meet.

Ere long we shall with Thee enjoy the fulness

Of that unfathomed tide, in heaven above.

We soon shall bask in wondrous love and nearness

And live eternally, immersed in love!

Around Great Cumbrae

Sunday, 9 March 2025

GRACE by George Herbert

My stock lies dead, and no increase
Doth my dull husbandrie improve:
O let thy graces without cease
Drop from above!

If still the sunne should hide his face,
Thy house would but a dungeon prove,
Thy works nights captives: O let grace
Drop from above!

The dew doth ev’ry morning fall;
And shall the dew out-strip thy Dove?
The dew, for which grasse cannot call,
Drop from above.

Death is still working like a mole,
And digs my grave at each remove
Let grace work too, and on my soul
Drop from above.

Sinne is still hammering my heart
Unto a hardnesse, void of love:
Let suppling grace, to crosse his art,
Drop from above.

O come! for thou dost know the way:
Or if to me thou wilt not move,
Remove me, where I need not say,
Drop from above.

Pursuing the theme of grace, here are the thoughts of George Herbert (1593-1633)

A visit to Great Cumbrae, off the Ayrshire coast.
the famous island prayer is said to be:
Lord, we pray for thy blessings upon the island of Great Cumbrae,
And also for its neighbouring islands of Little Cumbrae and Britain.

Friday, 7 March 2025


Grace does what it wills 

in line with the nature of 

Him who acts in grace. 

Trace all your blessing 

to the abundant love of 

Him who acts in grace. 

Base your assurance 

on the unchangingness of 

Him who acts in grace. 

Place all your future 

in the unfailing hands of 

Him who acts in grace. 

Face all that befalls 

confident in the care of 

Him who acts in grace.                

The repeated line comes from J N Darby, "An Introduction to the Bible":

Final views in the grounds of Culzean castle

Saturday, 22 February 2025

GRACE - hold it fast!


On you, through grace, good seed was cast - 

So hold it fast!

Grace covered all your sinful past -

So hold it fast!

Nail grace as standard to your mast

And hold it fast!

God's grace will lead you home at last -

So hold it fast!

Culzean Castle Grounds

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Continuing GRACE


From eternity 

God’s mind was that His grace should 

Be operative.


When I had nothing 

To pay grace told me that I 

Had nothing to pay.


Nothing can alter 

The purpose of God; nothing 

Can restrict His grace.


I love the Father 

Who is revealed in that name, 

A title of grace.


Here lies David Brown, 

Beneficiary of grace: 

One whom Jesus loves.

More of the Culzean Shore

Sunday, 16 February 2025

GRACE (again and again!)


Grace sometimes was the sunshine

Embracing with warmth.

Grace sometimes was the rainfall

Driving me homeward.

Grace sometimes was the rainbow

Spectral with promise.

Sometimes grace as a shepherd

Led me to green pastures.

But grace sometimes was a judge

Admonishing me.

And often grace was a nurse

With pills or pillows.

Grace always was a witness

To the heart of God.


Views from a walk on the beach near Culzean Castle

Saturday, 8 February 2025


Here His grace
Is complete:
On my face
At His feet.


More around Culzean Castle in Ayrshire, Scotland