Monday 10 May 2010


As Joseph sought his brethren till
He found them, by his father’s will
He wore the many-coloured vest
Which showed his father loved him best.
Thus Jesus in His earthly days
Showed by the tenor of His ways,
And in the grace with which He moved
He was the One whom God approved.


  1. oooh I love..

    Yes, I pray that my ways keep reforming to those of Jesus Christ, by simply following and instantly obeying His will.

    How are you doing sir? We now have a new prime minister - I pray God helps this nation.

    I feel like we are seeing the unfolding of the books of Joshua, Judges and Samuel unfolding! aargh.

    Make a great day and rest of the week. Much love x

  2. Hi, doing well, through grace.

    God has the governments under his control - and our Man is already installed in glory!


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!