Wednesday 30 September 2009


The word is near
That in the gospel we can preach,
Which casts out fear:
Jesus is Lord and, by His breach
Through death, salvation is in reach.

The Lord is near
His own in testimonial days
With words of cheer
Sustaining them through desert ways
And waking their delighted praise.

The time is near
When Christ the Lord will take His throne;
He will appear
With myriad saints who are His own -
His through His work and worth alone.

1 comment:

  1. wow.. I love this.. :-)
    Yes the time is near.. I can feel it in my very DNA... scary but exciting times.

    I remember a dream I had once, of Him appearing to wear his robe, and the only thing left was to wear a pair of brown sandals...! The time indeed is near.

    Thanks for the birthday messages... and yes, another 365 days to count my blessings.. :-)
    Much Love x


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!