Thursday, 30 May 2019


Jesus was baptised and praying
When His public path began
For dependence is the essence
Of the perfect Man.

Jesus praying is the Person
No one could be finer than
For dependence is the essence
Of the perfect Man.

Test the oblation in the oven
Or the cauldron or the pan
For dependence is the essence
Of the perfect Man.

How distinctive to the Father
Was the patient track Christ ran!
For dependence is the essence
Of the perfect Man.

Wheaton             15 May 2019

The refrain is a quotation from J N Darby

Monday, 27 May 2019


(Christ in Luke’s Gospel)

The sinless One came to take His place
With sinners: repenters: so that His part
Was with the righteous. With them, baptised,
But distinguished as being noted
As praying: and therefore the One
Heaven’s deed and voice could endorse.

Servant, He took His place in the desert, praying.

Desiring others to have part as servants
He directed to God a night of prayer.

So He prayed alone, but in the presence
Of those disciples whom His presence taught
He was none less than the Christ of God.

He went up to the mountain to pray
And there the fashion of His face
Became different: while even His clothes
Became resplendent.  With such glory
He could venture the Jerusalem road.

He prayed in a certain place.  Then ceased
And His disciples desired His teaching
To pray.  So the teaching Priest showed
That prayer best starts with God’s glory.

Before sin marshals its greatest
Intensity; before God’s judgment’s
Intensity, the perfect Man bows in
Intensity of prayer at the mount of Olives:
A perfect human will repulsed by
The looming intensity the perfect Man
Subjects Himself to Another’s will.

Indianapolis        13 May 2019

Luke 3: 21
Luke 5: 16
Luke 6: 12
Luke 9: 18
Luke 9: 28
Luke 11: 1
Luke 22: 44

Thursday, 23 May 2019


Lord and Saviour, "Thou didst love us"
And didst come to save,
And the way of love has brought Thee
To the cross and grave;
All the work that love laid on Thee
Thou didst then fulfil:
"Thou hast loved us; Thou dost love us,
Thou wilt love us still".

Lord and Shepherd, "Thou dost love us"
On our pilgrim way;
Love supports us through the night time,
Guides us through the day:
Love delights to see us flourish
As we do God's will:
"Thou hast loved us; Thou dost love us,
Thou wilt love us still".

Lord and Bridegroom, "Thou wilt love us"
Till our path is done,
And Thou still wilt love in heaven
Every gathered one:
We will know, through endless ages
Love's eternal thrill:
"Thou hast loved us; Thou dost love us,
Thou wilt love us still".

The words in quotes are from a dear brother as he gave thanks for the emblems at the Lord's supper.


Thursday, 9 May 2019


Lord Jesus, Saviour, serve us
Mid sins that might infect us,

From which we might receive ill;

And make us really free;

Preserve us;

Protect us;

Keep us from evil;

Help us to walk with Thee.