"Amen, amen",
These were Thy words, O Lord;
And those Thy truth acquired Thee bow
Acknowledging with joy that Thou
Art the Amen.
Faithful and True
Thou wilt come forth to judge;
All powers will bend before Thy might,
All kings be subject to Thy right;
Faithful and True.
Thou art the Word
As come near as a Man;
Through Thee the mind of God is known;
In Thee the min of God is shown:
Thou art the Word.
These were Thy words, O Lord;
And those Thy truth acquired Thee bow
Acknowledging with joy that Thou
Art the Amen.
Faithful and True
Thou wilt come forth to judge;
All powers will bend before Thy might,
All kings be subject to Thy right;
Faithful and True.
Thou art the Word
As come near as a Man;
Through Thee the mind of God is known;
In Thee the min of God is shown:
Thou art the Word.