Wednesday, 17 December 2014


Remember as you have to fight
The treacherous Amalekite
Moses' uplifted hands;
Though flesh is struggling to deter
Your soul's advance, remember where
Your Intercessor stands!

Not only was a better sphere
In mind - but that you should be near
Through all the LORD has wrought;
Not only did the Lord give grace
To bring you to a better place -
It's to Himself you're brought.

Israel, that, in holiness
To Him, you brave the wilderness
God gladly will record;
Christian, espoused, a virgin chaste
That you have followed in this waste
Is pleasing to the Lord.

Despite the terrors that you saw
When challenged if you'd keep the law
You readily concurred;
Enamoured by the truth of how
Christ died you gladly made a vow
That you would keep His word.

But Israel, through bitter days
You will discover all God's ways
Beyond you to fulfil;
Young Christian, in God's ways you must
Find there is nothing you can trust
In self to do God's will.

But as you bow to God in awe
Learn that the focus of the law
Concerns the Hebrew slave;
Consider love's avowed intent
Which bound Christ Jesus till He went
To cross and death and grave!

In lands of plenty or of dearth
Ensure an altar made of earth
Is raised for sacrifice;
Be diligent in all your days
That God is served as both your praise
And supplications rise.

And if your altar is of stone
Ensure it's formed from that alone
Unmarred by human skill;
One overcame death and reproach -
Through Him you must have your approach
Apart from human will.

Monday, 15 December 2014


But, moving in the wilderness,
You find the water bitterness
Until God shows you wood;
How bitter to your unchanged taste
To find your passage through this waste
Till Christ is understood.

Knowing the God whose healing balms
Move now to Elim's seventy palms
And plenitude of springs;
Knowing the Lord heals sin's complaints
Enjoy, among His fruitful saints,
The life His Spirit brings.

To meet your need He will supply
A food descending from on high
To help you as you move;
Christ's graces in humility
Will give you growth and energy
As you must daily prove.

It tastes like coriander seed
And honey-cakes, yet worms will breed
Unless you eat it fresh;
Dwell upon Jesus and His way
On earth - and do it every day
Or you allow the flesh.

If you are suffering from thirst
See the abundant waters burst
Forth from the smitten rock;
Because Christ bore the stoke for you
Life in the Spirit comes to view
Which flesh can never block.

Sunday, 14 December 2014


When from the land of toil and woe,
Under God's hand you safely go
When Moses speaks - take heed!
Trusting in something greater than
The sin and wilfulness of man
Follow where Christ shall lead.

You shall not leave the place by stealth
But clearly laden with great wealth
Egyptians give to you;
Young Christian, onward, leave this place
Unburdened, and enriched by grace
For all that will ensue.

Though Egypt's troops are swift and proud
Because your shelter is the cloud
They cannot snatch you back;
The world may claim you as its own
But He through whom God's grace is known
Will guard you from attack.

See Moses lifting up his rod
And, through the providence of God,
The Red Sea's bed is dry!
See, Jesus in His victory
Has made, despite our enemy,
The way by which to fly.

Sing to Jehovah now, since He
Threw horse and rider in the sea
And vanquished all your foes;
Oh praise the Saviour who has wrought
A work to save, though you were caught
By sin's constraining woes.

Sing - He who gave you liberty
Will bring you to His sanctuary
Upon His holy hill;
Sing - He who saved you by His grace
Will bring you to His holy place
According to God's will.

Saturday, 13 December 2014


O Israel, as you groan and cower
Beneath the lash of Egypt's power
The LORD has heard your cry;
O sinner, in the thrall of sin
Through deeds without and guilt within
The Lord has heard your sigh.

Jehovah, who has heard your pleas
Now urges you that you should seize
And take yourself a lamb;
The Lamb of God who heard you plead,
Comes - grasp the Man who knows your need,
In person the I AM.

Upon your doorpost you must smear
The blood to shield you as you fear
Jehovah's judgement-sword;
To save you from God's wrath you must
Have precious blood in which to trust,
The blood of Christ the Lord.

God sees the blood and passes on -
But in your dwellings feed upon
The lamb that's roast with fire;
The Lamb whose blood has met your need
Is now the One on whom to feed
To nurture and inspire.

And eat it with unleavened bread
And bitter herbs, as Moses said
Under the LORD's command.
Before the Lord with contrite heart
And with a longing to depart
From evil, called one, stand.

Shod for the journey take your way
From Egypt's bondage in array,
In order, yet with haste;
Go with a purpose that is new
Through faith, for what was life to you
Will now become a waste.

Friday, 12 December 2014



Heights of richest joy and blessing,
(Christ in glory, theme sublime!)
Rise before us, still untrodden,
Let us onward, upward, climb!

Climbing-time is not yet over,
Not yet come the resting-time;
Let no earthly ties detain us,
Let us onward, upward, climb!


Who can tell the joy of resting
In that home of light and love?
Soon forgot the weary climbing,
When the home is reached above.

Resting-time! yes, looked and longed for,
never may the hope grow dim!
"Where i am" - most precious promise,
Satisfied at last with Him.


Even now, while upward climbing
What sweet rest along the way!
Pastures green, and springs refreshing;
Climbing, resting, every day.

Another by T Willey from "The Songs of the Lord.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014


The reproach of men -
Crackling of thorns, the cackling of fools -
He endured that.

The contempt of the leaders -
Snorting of the circling bulls of Bashan -
He endured that.

The mocking of the Romans -
The yipping and yapping of the gentile dogs -
He endured that.

Satan's power -
The roar of the ravenous lion -
He endured that.

Weakness -
Manhood's strength poured as water -
He endured that.

The might of death -
The close-set bosses of the buffalo's horns -
He endured that.

The judgement of sins -
Our sins, "made sin for us" -
He endured that.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014


He did not wreak upon me His holy judgment
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

He looked on me kindly, despite my condition
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners"
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

He came to give Himself "a ransom for many"
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

He displayed on earth manhood according to God
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

And showed God's kindness to those who were poor and sick
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

Thus He set His face to go to Jerusalem
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

Although He knew He would suffer man's rejection
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

And "He bore our sins in His body on the tree"
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

Death was upon me, but Christ took that penalty
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

He shed His precious blood for remission of sins
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

He was buried to remove the offending man
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

Then Jesus was raised for our justification
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

And took His place above to intercede for us
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

The Holy Spirit came to restrain evil
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

And to shed abroad in our hearts the love of God
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

Soon the Lord is coming to conform us to Himself
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

Let the redeemed give glory to the Redeemer
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

Let the sanctified exalt the Sanctifier
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded";

Let us rejoice in the God of our salvation
For "the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded"!

Monday, 8 December 2014


Sin left me like a battered reed;
Sin wounded me, and made me bleed;
But mercy answered all my need
For which I thank the Lord!

Grace touched me, though my flame had ceased;
Grace lifted me upon His beast;
Grace graced with clothes to fit a priest
For which I thank the Lord!

Love chose, before time had begun;
Love challenged all my foes - and won!
And graced me with the place of son
For which I thank the Lord!

Saturday, 6 December 2014

I AM ...

"I am the way" -
Our pilgrim footsteps
Have guidance where they should go;

"I am the truth"
And the renewed mind
Runs to what it should know.

"I am the life":
From that source
Vivacious movements flow.

"I am the true vine";
Grafted to Him
Leaves sprout, fruits grow.

"I am the door" -
No longer need we
Wend to and fro.

"I am the good shepherd" -
See all He was ready
To undergo!

"I am the light of the world"
And all who choose to
Flourish in His glow.

Friday, 5 December 2014


He did not come with troops, with flags unfurled
And burnished swords; He came to heal the lame,
The blind and poor; and to make known God’s Name;
And show God’s love. If Jewish lips were curled
Disdainfully, and jibes or stones were hurled,
He did not act as Judge. He was the Same:
Rightly could the Samaritans exclaim,
This is indeed the Saviour of the world!”

He came to Greek, Jew or Samaritan
In grace and vigour, as the Son of Man;
He showed, in shedding love and power abroad,
The dignity which marks the Son of God;
While heaven - before His public work begun
Parted to acclaim Him, God’s beloved Son.

Thursday, 4 December 2014


Should it be a tree, drawing
Moist life from a mind’s
Tilth of humus and sediment?

Or like a beast, vividly
Swerving and glancing, fleetingly
Glimpsed in the dappled forest?

Or crisp, and uniform,
Each facet aureate,
And polished to conform?

Choose for yourself. I
Will not complain. Yet you
Can tell what I root for.

Just one of my considerations, not necessarily Christian, on poems and poetry.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014


"at wit's end you will
find God beyond it - the God
of resurrection"

Tuesday, 2 December 2014


Where I was lost - famished
By need - I have received

A sinner in heart and hand
I have been granted

In the Son of God's love
And the worth of His blood, I have

Peace has been made - by the blood of
His cross - so that I know

He who has gone into death
Has been raised again for my

Though my iniquity was great
God has righteously given

Resources beyond creation
Were deployed to assure for me

Where there was turmoil of soul
And mind - the work of God brought

All for me,in famine or plenty,
From His limitless supply,

From the heart of God, through Christ
And His work, I enjoy,

Monday, 1 December 2014


The One through whom God's love is known
Who met death in its awesome power
And triumphed in the darkest hour
Is on the Father's throne.

From Him the Spirit of the living God
Has come on saints who have been set apart
To do God's will, and be within each heart
To shed God's love abroad.

The Spirit's work makes their affections burn
In love for Christ and they remember Him
By breaking bread, to keep their hearts in trim,
Until He shall return.

Sunday, 30 November 2014


What wonders were seen in the pristine church
Formed by the Spirit to be for Christ's glory!
What power in the word of the apostle
To turn to the Lord many in Israel!
What power in his word to heal the lame man;
And power in his word to unmask deception!
Shown the assembly's heavenly ambience
He blasted the passage through which Paul ventured.
How glorious the light that the Spirit gave
To magnify Christ, to Paul the apostle!
How full the truth that the heavenly Man
Disclosed to Paul, that the church is His body.
In the light of this what praise ascended
And what testimony came through Paul's writings.
The saints of Ephesus specially displayed
The love and life that took pulse from Christ's headship.
And throughout the vicissitudes of time
The Head has His body; the body its Head.
But whenever man is responsible
He has failed in his responsibility.
Let us give thanks for the heavenly Head
And for what is held by the Holy Spirit!
May we have help in our generation
To respond in practice to the Head's guidance!
But soon the saints departed from the way
Of constantly drawing from the Head's wisdom
Despite the power of the Holy Spirit
Since that was wise in divine operations:
Only thus could there be overcomers
Fit for the gifts that heaven longs to bestow,
Faithfully adhering to their Lord's will
In the midst of the indifferent churches.
But what a turning away from the truth
Plunging men to the depths of superstition,
Binding their souls by human fantasies,
Blinding their hearts by depriving them of faith!
But in all this the Lord knew those who were His
And rejoiced in the light that shone in the dark.
Through the clogged valleys where little fruit grew
God drove like a ploughshare His servant Luther;
Rich was the yield from that overturning,
Justification by faith being the crop.
And once that was vigorously growing
Images and superstitions went tumbling
While men, assured of divine righteousness
Grew to show the righteousnesses of the saints,
The Holy Spirit thus securing praise
And witness, even to the blood of the martyrs.
Yet throughout this growth there was this weakness:
The trend to lean on the trellis of the state,
And any leaning on man's woodenness
Will splinter the hand like Egypt's broken reed.
But the grace of God continued to give
A gospel message to those who would attend.
How could there be revival to God's thoughts
And something on earth that was for His pleasure?
The public status might not be revived
But the body's vitality might flourish.
All depended on a separate path
Walked in subjection to the heavenly Head.
Rejoice therefore that persons have been found
Subject, and departing from iniquity
- Specially as seen in the public body -
Gathered together to remember the Lord.
But as I consider this blessedness
I remember my own need for commitment:
This blessedness is not some abstraction
But depends on persons with real devotion.
Holy Spirit, help me to be faithful
In my part in the lasting testimony!
Lord Jesus, keep me under Thy guidance
Until I am taken to be with Thyself!
Father of compassion give me the grace
To walk the narrow path until the Lord comes!

Saturday, 29 November 2014


Because the Shepherd
Knowing the depths of my need
Gave Himself for me;

Because the Shepherd
In His goodness carried me
On His own shoulders;

Because the Spirit
Has shone around me darkness
The light of God's Word;

Because the Spirit
Has swept the house carefully
Until He found me.

Because the Father
Ran to give me a welcome,
Embraced, and kissed me.

Because I am clothed
In the Best Robe that God has,
The worth of Christ.

Because I've been given
The token of divine love
A ring on my hand.

Because I now wear
The dignity that God gives,
Sandals on my feet.

Because I can share
The feast on the fatted calf:
God's thoughts of His Son.

Because God in grace
Desires to give me a place
In the Father's house.