Monday, 28 February 2011


The Best Robe, the ring,
And the sandals are worn for
The Father's pleasure.

Sunday, 27 February 2011


He gave me brethren
That I might have persons to
Lay down my life for.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Friday, 25 February 2011


I have been granted
A place and a time to live, with
No ghost of famine.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Tuesday, 22 February 2011


Let me list a few -
Student, agitator, mother -
Catriona's métiers.

Catriona is my eldest daughter, mother of Ingrid.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Sunday, 20 February 2011


God acted that we might
Have Christ for our delight,
And now - how glorious! -
Christ finds delight in us!

Saturday, 19 February 2011


What a heart is the heart of Christ!
For in love for His God He came
To this earth to fulfil all the Father’s will
And to honour the Father’s name.

What a heart is the heart of Christ!
Think of all that He would incur -
None would turn Him aside till He won His bride:
He gave all that He had for her.

What a heart is the heart of Christ!
He will heed all His people’s plaints;
Till He takes us in love to His home above
He will cherish His blood-cleansed saints.

Friday, 18 February 2011


The Christ had come -
And shepherds, at the angel’s urging,
Rushed to encircle Him
With their acclamation.

Their Lord and Friend had come -
And the re-enlivened family
Surrounded Him
With love, service, and nard.

But His enemies
Crowded Him, hemmed Him, bound Him -
His grace
Allowed Him to be led.

What a circle of sadness
Gathered to convey
The body of the Lord Jesus
To the tomb.

A ring of joy
As the Risen One
Appeared among His own
Enjoying fresh relationships.

From their surroundings
The Lord ascended
To the place of glory -
Making a place for them.

“In the midst of the throne
And of the four living creatures
And in the midst of the elders”
John saw “A Lamb standing…”

Thursday, 17 February 2011


(Luke 15)

It is a great thing for the soul
To know that it is known of Christ;
For He has given it a role
From which it cannot be enticed
It knows a shepherd’s love will keep
It safe from danger as His sheep.

Discovered by the Spirit’s light
The soul will also find it great
To be not only clear and bright
But usable to circulate,
Reflecting, through abundant grace,
The glories of the Master’s face!

How great that, after God’s embrace,
It knows that He is glad to bring
It into an eternal place,
Wearing the sandals, robe and ring:
It glorifies the God who runs
To welcome souls, and call them sons.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011


I love to sing of Jesus,
    The Man who set me free,
The Son of God who loved me
    And gave Himself for me.

He gave Himself to save me
    And bore my penalty
Because the Man who loved me
    Desired my company.

He died because He loved me,
    He died to do God’s will;
As risen and ascended
    My Saviour loves me still.

He’s coming soon to take me
    To be before His face
To share His love and glory,
    And celebrate His grace.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011


Christ came to the earth to take up our condition,
    To rescue us sinners from death and disaster,
Redeeming by blood from mere human tradition
    Whatever it cost Him: “How great is our Master!”

How vast was the muster of all that’s unholy
    To challenge the Saviour, but His power was vaster;
Amidst their deployment His conduct was lowly,
    Yet love overthrew them: “How great is our Master!”

If man’s power was evil and Satan vexatious,
    Most sore was God’s sword stroke against Christ, our Pastor,
He bore it entirely because He is gracious:
    His ransomed saints praise Him - “How great is our Master!”

Monday, 14 February 2011


Before the time when man fell into sin
God had another kind of Man in mind,
Suited in acts to what God’s loved designed
Because His mind conformed to God’s within.

Before man’s reign of sinfulness and pride
God had another kind of Man in mind -
A lowly Man, unselfish, always kind,
On whom the Holy Spirit could abide.

Before my sinful nature showed its force
God had another kind of Man in mind,
Who gave power to the lame, sight to the blind,
And in Himself answered my sinful course.

And now I learn - before the world began
God’s love and wisdom chose me in that Man.

Sunday, 13 February 2011


The One who expressed
God's righteousness is He who
Expressed God's mercy.

Saturday, 12 February 2011


Thought's electricity
Charges the current of words
In Braco's area.

Broca's area is a region of the brain with functions linked to speech.

Friday, 11 February 2011


Christ, all His life long,
Was preparing an ark to
Saving of His house.

Thursday, 10 February 2011


Vastness of ocean -
And He has left my sins at
The depths of the sea!

Wednesday, 9 February 2011


Vastness of ocean -
And through seas or crevices
Abundance of life.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011


Vastness of ocean -
And the latent power in it
Only God controls.

Monday, 7 February 2011


Christ, in His entire
Devotion to God's will to
Secure priests for God!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Saturday, 5 February 2011


In word and image
The wordsmith mints coin for you
To hoard or debase.

Friday, 4 February 2011


The Spirit of God
Is the Witness that Christ's at
The right hand of God.

Thursday, 3 February 2011


God’s purpose is that He should bless -
He blessed before the assault of sin
And blessed still though the fall came in:
But once sin’s challenge had begun
God showed the heart He would express
By blessing only in the Son.

God’s purpose is that He should dwell -
He intervened thus to reverse
Man’s state since he had proved perverse;
He sent His Son to draw us near,
To cleanse our hearts, and to dispel
Man’s need to hide from God in fear.

God’s purpose is that He should rule -
With all conforming to His will.
And in the time of faith, until
Christ intervenes as Judge and King
He rules among the people who’ll
Share His reign over everything.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011


God gives His saints the wherewithal
To answer to the heavenly call.


I doubt if I can get shorter than that.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011


“Behold, there is a place by Me:
There shalt thou stand upon the rock”
For Jesus suffered to unlock
The blessings in God’s heart for thee.

To answer thy desire to see
God’s glory, now revealed in grace
Effulgently in Jesus’ face -
“Behold there is a place by Me!”

A scion of a noble stock
Of those who are the sons of light
Enter God’s realm for His delight,
“There shalt thou stand upon the rock”.