Welcome. These are some of the attempts at verse that I have made over the years. I trust that they are to the glory of the Lord Jesus - and that putting them here is to His glory too. I have now posted most that I have written at least once but continue in case a new audience finds new blessing. Occasionally I throw in some other verse. Comment are welcome.
Monday, 31 December 2007
Like a luminous ribbon,
Stretching forward,
Yard by yard increasing
In fluorescence
and phosphorescence
The path of the righteous
Advanced toward
Perfect day.
Thursday, 13 December 2007
John was the burning
And the shining light.
The appearing light
Was evident to the sighted.
And he was content
To be consumed.
For as the shining light shone
The burning light had burned.
Monday, 10 December 2007
The cattle surge in their pen,
Shifting and flowing,
To the roped gate.
Spring has come. The farmer
Senses the ardency
Of their senses.
The gate swings wide.
From the shadows cattle
Trample, bucking
Into the sun.
Its warmth balms the joints
Of their plump bodies.
Sunday, 9 December 2007
The moon is not
Upon cloudy seas - it moves
Fixedly in its orbit.
To men it may
Change and fluctuate -
To God’s eye
It remains in its orb.
And the seas it never touches
Rise and fall under
The rhythm of
Its influence.
Saturday, 8 December 2007
Each knew the Lord.
One lived on the consciousness
Of the mercy
By which he had been retrieved;
One dwelt in the knowledge
That God had chosen her
Before the world was;
One was formed
In the graces found
In Jesus Christ;
And one in the glories
Of all established
In Christ Jesus:
In these distinctions
Star differed from star
In glory.
Thursday, 6 December 2007
It moves in
Inexorable dignity,
A strong runner
Who delights to run
From dawn to dusk.
It has the aura,
The rights,
Of a bridegroom.
Nothing escapes
The munificence
Of the splendour of its shining.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
There are recesses,
Crannies, shades
Outwith there are
Shadows, mists, wynds,
Thy word is a lamp.
Monday, 3 December 2007
Ye were once darkness,
But now
Light in the Lord.
Ye are not in darkness,
For all ye
Are sons of light and sons of day.
Ye appear
As lights in the world.
Ye are the light of the world.
Sunday, 2 December 2007
We will not see it,
Will not need it
Nor wish it
When night has gone.
But now it cheers
Sight and soul and heart
Till day arises.
When dark darkens,
If clouds cloud,
Lift yourself to admire
The Morning Star.
Saturday, 1 December 2007
All earthly life depends
On light
Fusing, infusing, suffusing.
All earthly life depends
On warmth
All earthly life depends
On order
Informing, forming, conforming.
Light, warmth, and order
Centre in,
And emanate from,
One Sun.